Pump noise measurement and evaluation method (national standard)

Measurement and Evaluation of Noise from Pumps Introduction The measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps is a critical element of controlling noise pollution in a variety of industrial and commercial environments. While most standards for the measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps ......

Measurement and Evaluation of Noise from Pumps


The measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps is a critical element of controlling noise pollution in a variety of industrial and commercial environments. While most standards for the measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps depend on the context in which the pump will be used, there are still international standards for all pumps that can be used to ensure an acceptable level of noise in the environment. In this paper, we will discuss some of the most commonly used international standards for the measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps as well as the methods used to implement them.


In order to understand the international standards and methods used to measure and evaluate noise from pumps, it is important that we first understand some of the basic definitions used in this context.

Noise Exposure: Exposure to noise is defined as the sound pressure level a person is exposed to, over a period of time. This is often expressed in terms of the average sound pressure level (L) over a period of time as well as the peak sound pressure level (Lp).

Sound Pressure Level (L): The sound pressure level is the logarithm of the ratio of the sound pressure of a sound to a reference pressure. The reference pressure is usually 20 micropascals (20 μPa) or 1 picopascal (1 Pa).

Peak Sound Pressure Level (Lp):The peak sound pressure level is the maximum sound pressure level that is recorded over a period of time. It is calculated from the peak-to-peak value of the recorded sound pressure over a period of time.

International Standards

There are a number of international standards for the measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps. These standards include:

ISO 3281: Acoustics—Measurement and evaluation of airborne noise emitted by pumps

This standard sets out guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of airborne noise emitted by pumps. It specifies the equipment needed, the type of measurement required, and the methods of evaluation. The standard also sets out guidelines for the assessment of the annoyance caused by the noise.

ISO 4459: Mechanical vibration—Measurement and evaluation of vibration emitted by pumps

This standard sets out guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of vibration emitted by pumps. It specifies the equipment needed, the type of measurement required, and the methods of evaluation. This standard also sets out guidelines for the assessment of the annoyance caused by the vibration.


The methods used for the measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps depend on the context in which the pump will be used. In general, the methodology involves the measurement of sound pressure levels as well as the calculation of sound exposure levels over a period of time.

The equipment needed to measure noise from pumps typically includes a sound level meter. This is used to measure the sound pressure level in the environment. In addition, the equipment may also include a frequency spectrum analyzer which is used to measure the frequency of the sound. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the noise.

The measurement of sound is usually done at various locations in the environment where the noise is expected to be the highest. This includes near the pump itself as well as in areas where people may be exposed to the noise.

Once the measurements are taken, the sound pressure levels are used to calculate the sound exposure level. This calculation takes into account the duration of the exposure and the peak sound pressure level.


The measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps is an important step in controlling noise pollution in a range of industrial and commercial environments. The international standards for the measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps are essential in ensuring an acceptable level of noise in the environment. The methods used for the measurement and evaluation of noise from pumps depend on the context in which they will be used and typically involve the use of a sound level meter and frequency spectrum analyzer.

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