Petroleum Development Geology

other knowledge 456 22/06/2023 1060 Avery

Introduction Oil and gas exploration and development geology is an important part of petroleum engineering. It is an integrated profession with science, engineering technology, and management economics as its components. This discipline includes the theory, principles, history, and methodology o......


Oil and gas exploration and development geology is an important part of petroleum engineering. It is an integrated profession with science, engineering technology, and management economics as its components. This discipline includes the theory, principles, history, and methodology of the examination of the reservoir or accumulation of oil and gas. It is said that it is the mother of all petroleum engineering disciplines.


Exploration is the first step in the development of any field or play. It includes all the geological, geophysical and geochemical surveys that are carried out to detect potential oil and gas prospects or discoveries. In exploration, geological, seismic and geophysical data are used to identify potential targets and develop an understanding of the subsurface conditions that control the presence of oil and gas.

Exploration, unlike drilling and production activities, is more of an uncertain and non-linear endeavor. This is because the exploration targets are not easily determined. An exploration team must work together to gather data and form conclusions about the geology of a region and the presence, if any, of hydrocarbons.

Field Development

Once an exploration program has been completed, the development process begins whereby the presence and extent of any oil and gas in the area has been established. The objective in field development is to evaluate the feasibility of and develop the economic resources of the reserves in the area. This involves studying and modeling the subsurface geology of the area, engineering and designing production and transportation facilities and equipments, and integrating surface and subsurface operations.

Field development includes engineering studies such as reservoir characterization, production performance prediction, facility design, and economics. Furthermore, issues such as reservoir pressure, temperature, porosity and permeability all figure largely in the decisions involving field development.


Once a field or play is developed, production activities can begin. This involves drilling and completing wells, managing production, and monitoring and controlling reservoir performance, and integrating the different aspects of the production operations. This stage, generally taking place over a longer period of time, more often than not involves interactions between all of the different facets of the engineering, drilling, and operations activities of the company.


Oil and gas exploration and development geology is an integral part of petroleum engineering and is an important profession with a broad range of disciplines and activities. Exploration, field development and production all work collaboratively with each other to create a successful result for an oil and gas company. It is with exploration and development geology, that more successes and discoveries in the oil and gas sector can be made and that petroleum engineering can be pushed into further heights of innovation.

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other knowledge 456 2023-06-22 1060 LuminousAngel

The development of petroleum geology combines stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geology, structural geology and tectonic geology to study its original formation, burial history, rock characteristics and accumulation condition, so as to forecast petroleum accumulation and guide the developmen......

The development of petroleum geology combines stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geology, structural geology and tectonic geology to study its original formation, burial history, rock characteristics and accumulation condition, so as to forecast petroleum accumulation and guide the development of petroleum.

Firstly, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the crust and sedimentary environment in the reservoir area, including tectonic history, provenance, stratification and dissolution, sedimentary environment and so on. The crustal features reflect the formation and dissipation of petroleum source, rocks and reservoir formation and their migration and accumulation.

Secondly, the study of structural geology can provide the specific information of lithologic structures that sedimentary rocks have faced during the process from deposition to accumulation. It helps geologists understand the diagenesis of reservoirs and the movement of oil and gas in the area, which is the basis for oilfield exploration and production.

Thirdly, with the development of Remote Sensing Technology and Seismic Technology, the imaging for deep geological structure and the regional oilfield and gas field can now be done. This allows geologists to predict the optimal area for petroleum exploration and development and make oilfield development plans.

Finally, the development of petrophysics technology plays a great role in the study of the abilities of oil and gas reservoirs and the exact structure of the underground layers. Computation software and graphical models of petrophysics help to determine the physical characteristics of reservoir rocks, the porosity and permeability of oil and gas reservoirs, and fluid velocity. In the end, this will help greatly enhance the exploration and mining of oil deposits.

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