Green pellet screening facility (room) design

engineering design 324 1022 Samantha.

Introduction This paper discusses the design and the various aspects of a spherical screening facility. Every process, from the material selection to the system design is thoroughly evaluated, from a practical and theoretical point of view. Estimations of the capital and operating cost of the fac......


This paper discusses the design and the various aspects of a spherical screening facility. Every process, from the material selection to the system design is thoroughly evaluated, from a practical and theoretical point of view. Estimations of the capital and operating cost of the facility and its financial viability are also assessed.


The choice of the material that is used for the spherical screening facility is critical, as it will affect the overall performance and efficiency of the facility. Stainless steel is the most common material choice for a spherical screening facility due to its high corrosion resistance, its strength, and its ease of maintenance. The material should also be able to withstand the rigors of the harsh environment common to such facilities. Aluminum and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are other materials that could be used in the construction and installation of the spherical screening facility, but they may not be as durable or as reliable as stainless steel.

System Design

The system design of the spherical screening facility should take into account not only the size and shape of the facility but also the environment in which it will be placed. Factors such as the availability of water and power sources, the type of material that will be screened, and the size of the screen plates should all be taken into consideration. In addition, an analysis of the material’s specific gravity should be performed to determine the proper size and gap for the screen plates, as well as the number of plates that will be required for the system.

Operation and Maintenance

A properly designed and maintained spherical screening system can be quite reliable and efficient. The main components of the system, such as the rotating screens, should be kept clean and free from dust and debris and should be inspected frequently. Moving parts should be lubricated regularly to reduce wear and tear and other problems such as corrosion should be avoided. In addition to regular maintenance, the facility should be inspected for any potential safety hazards, such as loose screws, bolts, or other parts that could cause an injury.


The cost of a spherical screening facility can vary greatly depending on the size of the facility, the material selected, the design of the facility, and the complexity of the system. Estimates of the capital cost and operating cost of the facility should be made in order to determine the financial viability of the project. The capital cost consists of the cost of designing, engineering and constructing the facility, while the operating cost includes the cost of fuel and supplies, as well as the cost of maintenance and repairs.


This paper summarized the design and the various aspects of a spherical screening facility. Every process, from the material selection to the system design was evaluated, from a practical and theoretical point of view. Estimates of the capital and operating cost of the facility and its financial viability were also provided. A properly designed and maintained spherical screening system can be quite reliable and efficient and can provide a cost-effective solution for maintaining the quality of a material.

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