The implementation conditions that the automatic cooling control system should meet when it is put into use

, Introduction The automated cooling control system is an effective way to regulate indoor temperature and reduce energy consumption. It has the advantage of being less labour intensive, requiring less manual intervention and ensuring a stable internal environment. However, before such a system i......


The automated cooling control system is an effective way to regulate indoor temperature and reduce energy consumption. It has the advantage of being less labour intensive, requiring less manual intervention and ensuring a stable internal environment. However, before such a system is put into operation, certain conditions must be met in order to ensure effective and optimal regulation of indoor climate conditions. This paper will discuss the operational conditions that must be satisfied before an automated cooling control system is put into practice.

Thermal Network

Prior to implementation of an automated cooling control system, a detailed thermal network analysis must be carried out. This involves the identification of all the components of the system, including the air handling unit, air ducts, fans, diffusers and other devices associated with the cooling system. The objective of the network analysis is to establish the thermal properties of the various components, including their thermal resistance and heat transfer coefficients. This information is essential in order to facilitate the accurate design of the control strategy and it is also important in order to ensure efficient operation of the system.

Load Estimation

In order to determine the cooling system size and arrangements, a detailed estimation of the cooling load must be performed. This involves an analysis of the internal and external environment, including the characteristics of both, in order to establish the amount of cooling that is required in order to maintain an appropriate internal temperature. It is also important to consider the use of the building, such as occupancy levels, equipment use, and potential changes in external conditions, in order to ensure that the cooling system size is correctly calculated.

Equipment Selection

After the cooling load estimation, the cooling equipment must be carefully selected in order to satisfy the cooling objectives. This includes considerations such as the type of cooling coil, air handling unit, air distribution system, dampers and other associated equipment. Each of these components must be selected according to their characteristics in order to ensure that the overall system will adequately meet the cooling requirements.

Controller Selection

After the components of the cooling system have been identified, an appropriate controller must be chosen in order to enable automatic operation. This requires a detailed analysis of the system and its associated cooling components, in order to determine the best solution for both energy efficiency and the desired indoor climate. The control strategy should also be carefully selected according to the operational objectives, with consideration given to any potential future changes in system operation.

Commissioning and Validation

Prior to the system being put into operation, it should be thoroughly tested in order to ensure that it will perform as required. This includes verification of the controller settings, checking the performance of the cooling components, and testing any integration with other systems. Validation of the system’s performance should also be undertaken, either through simulation or the use of sensors, in order to ensure that the system is running efficiently and achieving the desired temperature and comfort level outcomes.


The implementation of an automated cooling control system can provide a reliable and energy efficient means of regulating indoor climate. However, in order to ensure successful operation of the system, several conditions must be met, including a detailed thermal network analysis, load estimation, equipment selection and controller selection. Following detailed commissioning and validation, the system can then be put into operation in order to achieve the desired energy and climate objectives.

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