Industrial Injury Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Industrial Damage Survey of Peoples Republic Of China The Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China (MOFCOM) established the Industrial Damage Survey Office in October 2009. The establishment of the Office signifies the Chinese government’s commitment to ensuring a fair and competiti......

Industrial Damage Survey of Peoples Republic Of China

The Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China (MOFCOM) established the Industrial Damage Survey Office in October 2009. The establishment of the Office signifies the Chinese government’s commitment to ensuring a fair and competitive market environment for both domestic and foreign enterprises in China.

The primary mission of the Industrial Damage Survey Office is to conduct systematic and comprehensive surveys of industries ranging from Large State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), as well as foreign invested enterprises (FIEs). The completion of these surveys will provide the Chinese government with comprehensive data on the current state of the nation’s economy, provide an objective evaluation of the status of market competition by comparing the performance of different industries, and help the government to identify and report the cases of unfair and destructive competition that occur in the market.

The surveys conducted by the Industrial Damage Survey Office will use a variety of methods and will focus on seven major areas. These areas include: establishing a nation-wide network that collects and evaluates market data, analyzing the impact of merges and acquisitions on competitiveness, assessing the use of state resources to gain unfair competitive advantage, optimizing the exchange of information among market players, monitoring the development of anti-competitive market practices, providing economic advice to improve overall industry efficiency, and developing policies to ensure long-term economic sustainability.

The Industrial Damage Survey Office also takes the lead in investigating cases of suspected unfair competitive practices. It is responsible for drafting reports on such cases, conducting on-site inspections, and submitting its recommendations to the MOFCOM for further action.

The development of a fair and competitive market environment is one of the most important goals of the Chinese government. The establishment of the Industrial Damage Survey Office demonstrates the government’s commitment to achieving this goal. Through systematic and comprehensive surveys and investigations, the Office will provide the Chinese government with the data and information necessary to identify and take effective measures against market abuses. In the long run, this will help create a level playing field in China’s markets and promote a healthy economic environment in which companies are able to compete fairly and benefit consumers.

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