Determination of sulfur content in carbon materials

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Determination of sulfur content in carbon materials Abstract Sulfur content plays a very important role in carbon materials, as it affects their quality, performance, and even safety. In this paper, we introduce several traditional methods for the determination of sulfur content in carbon materi......

Determination of sulfur content in carbon materials


Sulfur content plays a very important role in carbon materials, as it affects their quality, performance, and even safety. In this paper, we introduce several traditional methods for the determination of sulfur content in carbon materials, such as direct combustion analysis and wet chemical analysis, and the modern method, wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. After summarizing the different methods and their respective pros and cons, we conclude that wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is the most suitable and accurate method to determine the sulfur content of carbon materials.


Carbon materials are a very important class of materials which are widely used in various industries and fields. Carbon materials have many advantages, such as high strength, light weight, environmental friendliness, and low cost. However, these materials may also contain impurities, such as sulfur, which affects their performance and even can pose a safety hazard. Therefore, it is essential to accurately determine the sulfur content of carbon materials to ensure the quality and safety of the material itself.

Common methods to determine sulfur content

There are several traditional methods to determine the sulfur content of carbon materials. One of the most common methods is direct combustion analysis. In this method, the sample is heated to very high temperatures and the amount of sulfur present is determined by collecting and measuring the sulfur dioxide given off. While this method is relatively simple and quick, it also has some drawbacks. For example, the sulfur dioxide generated during combustion can react with other elements, such as calcium and magnesium, and produce sulphates, making it difficult to accurately measure the amount of elemental sulfur in the sample.

Another common method for determining sulfur content is wet chemical analysis. In this method, the sample is treated with a specific chemical solution and the resulting sulfur-containing compounds are then measured and compared with a standard sulfur compound. While it is a more accurate and reliable method, it is also more complicated and requires more time and expense to perform.

Modern method for sulfur analysis

The traditional methods for measuring sulfur content have several limitations, such as complexity and low accuracy. Therefore, modern technologies are being adopted for accurate and efficient analysis of sulfur content in carbon materials. Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WD-XRF) is an increasingly popular method which provides an accurate and reproducible determination of sulfur content.

By using WD-XRF, the sulfur content can be determined by directly measuring the characteristic X-ray fluorescence of sulfur. This method is much faster and more accurate than the traditional methods, and it also has the advantage of being able to measure sulfur at much lower concentrations, which makes it ideal for analyzing trace amounts of sulfur.


The measurement of sulfur content in carbon materials is important in order to ensure the quality and safety of the material itself. The traditional methods for sulfur analysis are direct combustion analysis and wet chemical analysis, but these methods have limitations. Therefore, modern technologies such as WD-XRF are being adopted for accurate and efficient analysis of sulfur content. WD-XRF is the most suitable and accurate method for the determination of sulfur content in carbon materials.

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