Ferroboron (GB/T5682-1995)

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Introduction Boron-Iron (B-Fe) is a special alloy, containing two elements: boron and iron. It is mainly used in the production of magnetic alloys, special steel, heat-resisting alloys, heat-treating alloys, and hard metal alloys. Its characteristics of hardenability, compressive strength, corros......


Boron-Iron (B-Fe) is a special alloy, containing two elements: boron and iron. It is mainly used in the production of magnetic alloys, special steel, heat-resisting alloys, heat-treating alloys, and hard metal alloys. Its characteristics of hardenability, compressive strength, corrosion resistance, and wear-resistance, make it suitable for a wide range of applications.


The primary property of Boron-Iron is its high hardness, which allows it to efficiently retain its strength and shape even at extreme temperatures. It has a melting point of around 1400°C (2552°F), making it a great choice for industrial applications which require high temperature resistance. It also has a high thermal conductivity, allowing it to quickly and effectively conduct heat away from points of contact.

Because of its high hardness, Boron-Iron also has excellent wear-resistance, making it suitable for applications where parts are under constant friction. Similarly, its high strength and compressive strength make it well-suited for parts and components that are subject to high stress.

Another key advantage to Boron-Iron is its corrosion resistance. It does not oxidize when exposed to oxygen and is able to retain its properties even when exposed to sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. It is also resistant to oxidation in hot environments, making it suitable for applications in steel mills and other areas where extremely high temperatures are present.


Thanks to its unique properties, Boron-Iron is used in a range of industrial applications. It is commonly used as a magnetic alloy in semiconductor and power transmission products, as well as non-magnetic materials like jewelry and kitchenware. Additionally, its high hardness and wear resistance make it useful in applications such as punches and dies, machine tools, and valves.

It is also used extensively in the automotive and aerospace industries, primarily in the production of engine components like clutch plates and bearings, as well as heavy-duty bolts and other fasteners. Boron-Iron is also frequently used in medical instruments, surgical tools, and dental tools, as it can easily be sterilized without any degradation in properties.


Boron-Iron is an incredibly useful alloy which is well-suited for a wide range of applications. Its high hardness and compressive strength, as well as its corrosion resistance make it an excellent choice for parts and components which require hardenability, compressive strength, and wear-resistance. As such, it is widely used in industries ranging from automotive to aerospace, and from medical to manufacturing.

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