The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) is an internationally recognised body of professional accountants. Founded in 1880, it is one of the largest and longest established professional accountancy bodies in the world.
ICAEW is an independent, self-regulating, independent body of professional accountants. It sets benchmark standards for the world’s leading economies, working closely with some of the biggest international organisations, governments and regulatory bodies. It has the capacity to provide invaluable corporate, financial and tax advice through its members.
ICAEWs members provide an assurance of expertise. Its members are bound by professional ethics, regulations and well-established technical standards. They are also required to abide by high standards of corporate governance, ethical and social responsibility. ICAEWs members have a commitment to lifelong learning, ensuring that they stay abreast of the latest developments in their field.
The institute also provides guidance and expertise on topics such as financial literacy, global sustainability and preparing for retirement. ICAEWs research and thought leadership covers trends in public finance, international regulation and corporate governance.
The institutes qualifications give members and those who support them a clear combination of skills, knowledge and experience to meet the needs of employers and the global business community. In addition to the Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) qualifications, extra specialist and professional qualifications are available. Similarly, the institute also offers a range of short courses and awards, such as the Chartered Accountant in Business Award, and the Finance Directors’ Qualification, to further enhance and develop the knowledge and capabilities of ICAEW members.
ICAEW promotes economic growth, thought leadership, worldwide technical competence and the professional, ethical and efficient practice of accountancy. It enables, supports and celebrates its members’ contributions to the global economy and society, and facilitates their ongoing development.
At its core, ICAEW is committed to setting and upholding the highest standards in the industry and supporting the development of chartered accountants worldwide. It is also committed to promoting knowledge and understanding of the value of professionalism, ethical behaviour, corporate governance and international regulation. It offers technical advice, guidance and support to its members, who have a responsibility to operate with a responsibility and integrity.
ICAEW business members, who are all Chartered Accountants and experts in their field, are recognised as leading reputations in their profession. They are modern, connected and highly diverse, demonstrating particular expertise in corporate finance, audit and assurance, consulting, software and enterprise solutions, public sector finance, public accounting and taxation and international business.
Ultimately, ICAEWs vision, mission and values are designed to ensure that its members are able to demonstrate professional and ethical approaches in their work, whilst delivering the highest level of service and reliability to their clients. This helps to foster long-term trust, which is essential for the success and growth of our community and the economy at large.