Technical Consulting Contract

Technology Consulting Contract This Agreement is made on the [date] day of [month], [year], between [Company Name], hereinafter referred to as “Consultant,” and [Client Name], hereinafter referred to as “Client.” Whereas, the Client is in need of technical consulting services; and Whereas, ......

Technology Consulting Contract

This Agreement is made on the [date] day of [month], [year], between [Company Name], hereinafter referred to as “Consultant,” and [Client Name], hereinafter referred to as “Client.”

Whereas, the Client is in need of technical consulting services; and

Whereas, the Consultant is knowledgeable and proficient in the area of technology consulting; and

Whereas, the Consultant desires to render technical consulting services to the Client:

Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:

The Consultant hereby agrees to provide technical consulting services to the Client in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein.

The services to be provided by the Consultant shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Assessment of the Client’s current technological infrastructure

• Proposals and recommendations for improving the Client’s technological infrastructure

• Consulting on the selection and procurement of new technologies

• Assistance in the installation, setup and configuration of new technologies

• Advice and support on maintenance and troubleshooting of the Client’s technological systems

The Consultant guarantees that the services to be provided to the Client shall be performed in a diligent and workmanlike fashion, in accordance with accepted industry standards for similar services.

The Client agrees to provide the Consultant with access to all necessary materials and personnel in order to facilitate the deliverance of the agreed services.

The Consultant agrees to invoices the Client in accordance with the terms set forth below.

The Client agrees to pay the Consultant an hourly fee of [consultant fee] per hour, plus all authorized and approved expenses (travel, materials, etc.), within thirty (30) days of invoice.

In the event that the Client fails to pay within the specified period, the Consultant reserves the right to invoke all remedies afforded by law, including the right to claim damages, or legal action.

This Agreement shall be in full force and effect as of the date first set forth herein, and shall remain in effect until the completion of the services specified in this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby agree to the terms of the foregoing Technology Consulting Contract.

[Signature of Consultant]

[Name of Consultant]

[Signature of Client]

[Name of Client]

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