Management Technology of Automobile Mold Production (Part Two)

Management Technology on Automotive Mold Production In mold production, the skilled skill workers are the core force in the manufacturing process. The management of skilled talent workers requires the combination of human resources and management methods. The human resources management should foc......

Management Technology on Automotive Mold Production

In mold production, the skilled skill workers are the core force in the manufacturing process. The management of skilled talent workers requires the combination of human resources and management methods. The human resources management should focus on finding and cultivating skilled talent, appropriately treating incentives and compensations, and making employees willing to stay.

Firstly, skills can be obtained through specific technical training, and at the same time, the development of these skills can be verified under the guidance of managers and mentors. Therefore, training and developing employees need to start before the recruitment, thus retaining fine talents and promoting them to stay for a long time in the mold production.

Secondly, the ability of skilled talent workers is embodied in their labor productivity and labor quality, thus the expectations for rewards should be tailored for everyone’s contributions. As for rewards, bonuses to promote behavior, personal recognition, and career development incentives are effective options. Bonuses, personal recognition and career development incentives can be used to award employees who have done a good job, drafted a good plan and completed the task given by the management in time.

Thirdly, since skilled talent is extremely scarce, it is inevitable that they will transfer to different positions, while their departure may have a negative impact on the company. Therefore, a long-term plan should be established to design an attractive career development path, helping employees understand that the company could provide them with a broad development space and allow their career to progress.

Fourthly, when facing external talent, the company needs to carefully analyze their past experience and technical skills, and think about ways to make good use of the talent. At this point, the management should conduct face-to-face interviews, even making multiple rounds to test the candidate’s technical level, behavior and attitude. After this, they can join the team and they should be provided with appropriate training to enhance their skills and contribute to the company’s success.

Lastly, the development of internal talent should be strategically planned based on the experience of experienced and established employees. The company needs to spend a lot of time and resources to train them, motivate their enthusiasm in their work, and foster loyalty to the team. Meanwhile, the most appropriate talents should be put in an appropriate position and the talents who are not suitable should be allocated to other departments, so as to protect the overall development of the companys advantages.

In conclusion, skilled talent is the essential and core factor in the whole process of mold production. In order to obtain superior products, it is necessary for the company to formulate a rigorous management system focusing on employee training, rewards, external and internal recruitment, and career planning. In the end, a good management of the mold production process can ensure the prosperity of the business.

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