Discussion on the Effect of Grinding Process on the Life of Dies

Introduction In the use of injection molding and die-casting, the surface of the mold cavity has a great influence on the service life and quality of the molded parts. The surface finish of the injection mold is a very important factor that directly affects the plasticizing process of the plastic......


In the use of injection molding and die-casting, the surface of the mold cavity has a great influence on the service life and quality of the molded parts. The surface finish of the injection mold is a very important factor that directly affects the plasticizing process of the plastic and the quality of the product. Generally speaking, the smoother the surface of the injection mold and die-casting, the less the production of flash, and the more stable the size and shape of the plastic products are. Whether it is injection molding or die-casting, it is essential to grind the surface of the mold cavity in order to obtain ideal shape and size.

Grinding is generally divided into two processes, namely manual grinding and machine grinding. Machine grinding has higher requirements for machine operators and grinding skills, but because of its fast speed and high accuracy, it is widely used in the production of high-precision molds. The most common application process is manual grinding, which is mainly used to process the surface of injection mold cavities of small-scale products.

The effect of grinding on service life

Grinding is an important part of the processing process of injection mold cavity, most of which is done by manual grinding. It is a crucial link to determine the surface quality, precision and life of the cavity. It has a huge impact on the production process, product quality and service life of injection mold cavities. The surface quality and size accuracy that can be obtained by manual grinding are not better than those of machine grinding. And the surface roughness of parts, the thickness of the burr and the shape tolerance of the parts all have an effect on the performance of the injection mold cavity and its service life. Therefore, in order to ensure the service life of injection mold cavities, high machining accuracy and good surface quality must be achieved by grinding.

The process of grinding mold cavity

In order to obtain the desired surface roughness, accuracy and shape of the injection mold cavity, properly adjust the grinding wheel and the machining parameters is an important precondition for machine grinding, so as to ensure the quality and accuracy of the machining surface. If it is manual grinding, there should be detailed mold grinding instructions and grinding practical records, so as to ensure that all grinding processes meet the requirements.

The grinding process of the injection mold cavity includes cleaning and cutting stage, denudation and polishing stage, and postprocessing surface treatment. According to the requirements of the surface finish, different grinding methods and grinding wheel materials should be selected. Generally, the coarse grinding wheel should be used for the rough grinding of the die gap, and the fine grinding wheel should be used for the denudation and polishing of the die gap.


Grinding is an important procedure to ensure the surface quality, size accuracy and service life of the injection mold cavity. In this process, the operator should pay attention to the selection of grinding wheel type when processing, and adjust the parameters of the grinding machine properly to ensure the surface roughness, accuracy and shape of the injection mold cavity. Moreover, it is important to make sure that the grinding process meets the requirements. Grinding is a very important factor that affects the service life of injection mold cavities. The better the accuracy and quality of the machining surface, the longer the service life of the injection mold cavity can be ensured.

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