Optimizing Batching Model of Sinter

Optimization model of sintered ore batching 1. Introduction Sintered ore is the main raw material used in steelmaking, and the quality of sintered ore batching directly affects the quality of steel. Therefore, the optimization of sintered ore batching has always been an important aspect of steel......

Optimization model of sintered ore batching

1. Introduction

Sintered ore is the main raw material used in steelmaking, and the quality of sintered ore batching directly affects the quality of steel. Therefore, the optimization of sintered ore batching has always been an important aspect of steel production. Traditional sintered ore batching is based on experience and rule of thumb, which does not fully consider the factors affecting the quality of sintered ore, resulting in poor quality of sintered ore. Therefore, this paper puts forward an optimization model of sintered ore batching in order to achieve uniform composition and improve the quality of sintered ore.

2. Modeling

In this paper, an optimization model of sintered ore batching is established. According to the objective function and the constraints, the optimization model of sintered ore batching can be expressed as follows:

Min ε C = (M1 x1+M2 x2+M3 x3+......Mn xn)/(m1 x1+m2 x2+m3 x3+........mn xn)


m1x1+m2x2+m3x3+……mn xn >M












Where M is the sintered ore quality index, ε is the optimization index, C is the batching coefficient, M1 to Mn are the corresponding sintering ore elements with different atomic weight, m1 to mn are corresponding elements with different atomic weight, K1-Kn-1 are the ore ratio parameters stipulated by relevant specifications and C is the minimum content allowed by relevant specifications.

3. Analysis of optimization model results

According to the optimization model of sintered ore batching, the result of the optimization is a kind of sintered ore batching coefficient, which is more suitable for the actual production process. The analysis of the result is conducted from the following aspects:

①Quality analysis: analyze the quality of sintered ore according to the batching coefficient calculation result, compared with the corresponding standard quality, to judge whether the sintered ore quality index is qualified or not, and then adjust the batching coefficient to ensure the qualified quality index.

②Economic analysis: the optimization of sintered ore batching can reduce the cost of the raw materials used to obtain the desired sintered ore quality index. Therefore, through accurate economic analysis, the economic benefit of sintered ore batching can be analyzed.

③Stability analysis: analyze the stability of sintered ore, whether can achieve long-term stability of sintered ore batching coefficient and sintering ore quality index.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, this paper proposes an optimization model of sintered ore batching, which is expected to improve the quality of sintered ore by analyzing and relying on the result of batching coefficient calculation. This model can be used for real-time adjustment and adjustment of sintered ore batching in the steel production process. Thus, the quality of sintered ore can be improved.

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