key event method

Finance and Economics 3239 09/07/2023 1028 Emily

Introduction Critical path method (CPM) is a widely-used technique used to plan, monitor and control the progress of a project. The critical path method is a way of charting activities that a project team will be following in order to complete a project. It can be used to manage timelines and mil......


Critical path method (CPM) is a widely-used technique used to plan, monitor and control the progress of a project. The critical path method is a way of charting activities that a project team will be following in order to complete a project. It can be used to manage timelines and milestones, identify potential problems, and provide data for cost control and budgeting. In this article, we will discuss the concept of critical path method, its principles, and why it is important to use in project management.

The Basics of Critical Path Method

CPM is an algorithm used to analyze a project and predict the most efficient way of carrying out a project. It assigns a specific timeline for each activity and the sequence in which activity should be executed. The critical path is the sequence of activities with the longest timeline required to complete the project. It also involves estimating the time required to complete each task, analyzing the dependencies between activities, and determining the timeline for each activity.

The main goal of CPM is to analyze the timeline of a project by determining the shortest timeline in which the project could be completed. This goal is achieved by examining the relationship between activities and calculating the impacts of delays on the overall timeline of the project.

In order for CPM to be successful, it must be used in a practical and realistic manner. The most important factor to consider when using CPM is to accurately estimate the timeline of tasks. This is because inaccurate estimated timelines could lead to delays and misallocations of resources.

Principles of Critical Path Method

1. Prioritize Time – The first principle of the CPM is to prioritize time. This means identifying the activities that have the most time-sensitive requirements. These activities should be given higher priority over activities that can wait.

2. Analyze Dependencies – The second principle of CPM is to analyze the dependencies between activities. This means looking at the relationships between different tasks and determining the order in which they must be executed.

3. Define Activities – The third principle of CPM is to define each activity and its duration. This requires breaking down the project into smaller, manageable tasks, and assigning a timeline for each of them.

4. Monitor the Program – The fourth principle of CPM is to monitor the program. This means regularly checking the progress of the project and the completion of the tasks.


The critical path method is an important tool for project managers. It helps identify the timeline of tasks in a project and helps ensure that tasks are completed on time. CPM can also be used to identify potential delays and suggest ways to circumvent them. Finally, CPM helps ensure resources are allocated efficiently and effectively.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-09 1028 SparklingAura

The native Americans first discovered America and they were the first ones to reap its bountiful resources. Through exploration, trade, and colonization, they laid the foundations of the country we know today. The mid-1500s marked the first contact between the Europeans and Native Americans. The......

The native Americans first discovered America and they were the first ones to reap its bountiful resources. Through exploration, trade, and colonization, they laid the foundations of the country we know today.

The mid-1500s marked the first contact between the Europeans and Native Americans. The Europeans, through exploration and colonization, began to take up more land. As the Europeans established trading posts, conflicts arose between the two groups.

In 1607, the British established the Jamestown Colony in Virginia, marking the beginning of successful English colonization in North America. By the end of the century, nearly all of the east coast was English settlements.

The 18th century was known as the Age of Imperialism. European countries started to compete for control of North and South America. The French and British armies fought for control of the Ohio river valley in the French and Indian War.

The Revolutionary War was an important event of the late eighteenth century. The American colonists fought for their independence from England and won in 1783. This victory marked the birth of the United States of America.

In the early 19th century, the US acquired a large amount of land from France known as the Louisiana Purchase. This land was eventually used to form the states of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri.

The American Civil War was a major event in the mid-1800s. The Union and Confederacy fought for control of the country, with the Union eventually being victorious. This war resulted in the abolishment of slavery in the United States.

The 20th century saw the emergence of America as a global superpower. America fought two World Wars and was involved in the Cold War with the Soviet Union. It also experienced four presidencies.

The 21st century has been characterized by the enormous technological advancements made by the US. It has also seen the election of the first African-American president and increased globalization.

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