Baosteel's hot-rolled steel strip for hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) pipeline

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) Resistant Hot Rolled Steel Belt for Pipelines in Boe Steel Bao Steel is one of the largest steel-making companies in China. Its product offerings include high-performance steel products and advanced technology to meet the needs of different customers in a variety o......

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) Resistant Hot Rolled Steel Belt for Pipelines in Boe Steel

Bao Steel is one of the largest steel-making companies in China. Its product offerings include high-performance steel products and advanced technology to meet the needs of different customers in a variety of industries. In particular, Bao Steel pioneered the development of Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) resistant hot-rolled steel belt for pipelines.

Hydrogen induced cracking or HIC is a serious threat for materials used for components in high-pressure pipelines, as in oil, gas or water tanks. HIC is caused by hydrogen embrittlement of steel due to the presence of excess hydrogen in the environment. Hydrogen can be introduced into the steel when the surrounding environment is sharply fluctuating between hot and cold temperatures, or when strong oxidizing agents, such as chlorine, are present. HIC may lead to stress corrosion cracking of the steel components, leading to severe economic losses.

Therefore, Bao Steel has developed a line of HIC-resistant hot-rolled steel belt for pipelines. This steel belt features innovative alloying and heat treatment technologies that reduce the possibility of hydrogen induced cracking in steel components. The steel belt is characterized by excellent wear resistance, outstanding corrosion resistance, and excellent weldability, which are essential characteristics needed in pipelines. Moreover, the use of this steel belt allows for higher manufacturing precision and shorter production cycle time.

In order to manufacture this steel belt, a vacuum-controlled annealing unit is used to accurately adjust the chemical composition and strength to a level that can resist hydrogen embrittlement. This unit is specifically designed to limit the amount of hydrogen entering the steel components, ensuring the quality of the steel belt. In addition, Bao Steel utilizes its advanced rolling technology to ensure a uniform shape and thickness of the steel belt, which ensure optimized performance. And through advanced control and heat treatment technologies, Bao Steel guarantees the desired strength and hardness of the steel belt.

Bao Steel has further developed a comprehensive testing system to guarantee the integrity and quality of the steel belt. Through stringent tests, the company guarantees that the hydrogen induced cracking resistance of the steel belt will meet industry standards. This testing system enhances the marketability of the product and releases the customer’s worries.

Overall, Bao Steels HIC-resistant hot-rolled steel belt for pipelines contains an advanced alloying system, optimized heat treatment, and comprehensive testing system, providing high-performance components for the oil, gas and water industries. With its comprehensive production and quality assurance system, Bao Steel is committed to providing products that meet the needs of customers and provide sustainable solutions for the harsh environment of pipelines.

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