John Maynard Smith (1920-2004) was one of the most influential figures in modern evolutionary biology. He was born in London and studied mathematics and physics in Cambridge, before doing research in genetics at the University of Cambridge and then University College London.
Smiths first major work was the publication of The Theory of Evolution in 1958, which developed the concept of the modern evolutionary synthesis. In this work, he set out a mathematical framework for analyzing evolutionary processes, focusing on the effects of natural selection on genetic variation and genetic drift, and proposing a number of fundamental theorems to explain and refine the theory. Smiths primary contribution to evolutionary theory was in the field of population genetics, which he proposed as a way to understand the dynamics of evolution on a genetic level.
The landmark paper The Logic of Animal Conflict laid the foundations for the game theory of evolutionary dynamics, which has been essential in understanding animal interactions in the wild and in laboratory settings. Smith also developed the concept of an evolutionary arms race, which is the idea that two or more species can become locked in an escalating competition for resources or advantage. In this concept, species evolve traits over time to gain an advantage and compete better.
Smiths influential work on the study of sexual selection helped to unlock some of the mysteries of reproductive behavior and sexual dimorphism. He proposed that sexual selection takes place in the form of the Fisherian Hero hypothesis, where mates are chosen based on perceived advantages, such as good health and physical strength. He also proposed the concept of Runaway sexual selection, where certain physical or behavioral traits can increase over time, making them more attractive in the eyes of potential mates.
The acknowledged father of modern ecology also had an immense influence on the field. His groundbreaking work on the dynamics of ecosystems, from the mathematical models to his eloquent explanations, enabled a deeper understanding of the relationship between species, their environment, and their interaction with one another. John Maynard Smiths influence on evolutionary biology is still felt today, as scientists continue to explore new areas of his work and build upon his fundamental insights.