Technological Innovation Mechanism of State-owned Enterprises

Innovation Mechanism of State-owned Enterprises in China Introduction Innovation is seen as an important element for a nation’s economic growth and development. Innovative technology and products also play a major role in a nation’s economic development process. State-owned enterprises are a c......

Innovation Mechanism of State-owned Enterprises in China


Innovation is seen as an important element for a nation’s economic growth and development. Innovative technology and products also play a major role in a nation’s economic development process. State-owned enterprises are a critical part of the economy of many countries and have often been the primary source of new products and services. Therefore, it is important to develop an innovation mechanism for state-owned enterprises that will drive innovation and technology development in these businesses.

In China, state-owned enterprises are an important part of the economy and play an important role in the development and growth of the country. Therefore, the Chinese government has developed a number of policies and regulations that provide incentives and mechanisms for state-owned companies to promote innovation and technology development. This paper will discuss the policies and regulations implemented by the Chinese government to create an innovation and technology development mechanism for state-owned enterprises in China.

Government Regulation

The Chinese government has issued several policies and regulations to promote the innovative capability and technology development of state-owned enterprises. The Chinese Communist Party (CPC) established an innovation and technology development policy in 2006 in order to promote the science and technology development of state-owned enterprises. This policy made sure that state-owned enterprises pay attention to the development of new technologies, as well as expanding existing technology capabilities.

Also, the CPC also put forward the “National Innovation Driven Movement” in 2009. This plan proposed to establish industrial innovation centers, promote the technology development of state-owned companies, and encourage them to form innovative teams, technological alliances and other forms of cooperation. The purpose of this plan was to strengthen the technology development capabilities of state-owned companies and encourage them to seek for new technology breakthroughs.

In 2011, the Chinese government launched the “State-owned Enterprise Innovation System Trial Action Plan”. This plan proposed to develop an innovation-oriented system of production and operation by state-owned companies, as well as an innovative system of research, planning and strategy development. This action plan also proposed to provide financial and administrative support to state-owned companies to promote their technology and innovation capabilities.

Innovation and Technology Development Programs

In order to support the innovation and technology development of state-owned companies, the Chinese government has also set up several innovation and technology development programs. These programs provide technical advice and funding to state-owned companies in order to promote their technology and innovation capabilities.

The 863 Program was initiated by the Chinese government in 1986 in order to promote the development of new emerging high-tech industries. The 863 Program provides financial support to state-owned companies for the development of innovative technology and products.

The 973 Program was launched in 1997 by the Chinese government to support basic research and the development of major high-tech projects. This Program provides financial support and guidance to state-owned companies for the development of innovative technology and products.

The Torch Program was established in 1988 by the Chinese government to promote the development of the high-tech industry. Through this program, state-owned companies are provided with financial support and guidance for developing new technology and innovative products.

The Innovation Fund of China (IFC) was established in 2008 in order to provide financial support to state-owned companies for the development of technology and innovative products. The IFC provides loans, venture capital and other financial aid to state-owned companies to help them develop new technology and products.


Innovation and technology development are seen as an important part of economic growth and development. State-owned enterprises have an important role in the development of new technologies and products, and therefore, it is important to have an innovation mechanism for these businesses. The Chinese government has developed a number of policies and regulations in order to establish an innovation mechanism for state-owned enterprises, as well as to promote the technology and innovation capabilities of these businesses. Furthermore, the Chinese government has also established several programs to provide financial and technical support to state-owned companies for the development of innovative technology and products.

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