Safety Supervision Regulations for Ultra-high Pressure Vessels

Super-high Voltage Container Safety Monitoring Regulations Super-high Voltage (SHV) containers, such as high-voltage transformers and capacitors, are energy containers that must be monitored and managed to ensure the safety of the public and the environment. To this end, the following safety moni......

Super-high Voltage Container Safety Monitoring Regulations

Super-high Voltage (SHV) containers, such as high-voltage transformers and capacitors, are energy containers that must be monitored and managed to ensure the safety of the public and the environment. To this end, the following safety monitoring regulations are established.

I. Container Security Checks

SHV containers used in areas close to public areas must be subject to a security check by the manufacturer or a qualified person before they are sold. Before installation fully examine the detailed information and certification of the container and make sure its ground wire connections, high-voltage protective devices, and earthing devices are normal.

II. Installation Rules

The installation of SHV containers near public places must comply with regulations. Both parts and devices of the SHV container must be installed in accordance with relevant regulations. To prevent accidents and reduce the possibility of fire, the area around SHV containers must be kept clean, and flammable materials must not be stored inside the area.

III. Periodic Inspections

Regular inspections of SHV containers must be carried out on a regular basis by qualified personnel. This should be done at least once every six months and any detected defects should be reported to the maintenance team. Inspections must include a check on all parts, including ground wire connections, high-voltage protective devices and earthing devices.

IV. Accident Prevention and Treatment

In the event of an accident involving an SHV container, such as an electric shock, fire or explosion, the local fire brigade should be alerted immediately. Fire extinguishers and emergency medical equipment must be close by at all times. All personnel must follow the instructions of the emergency team to evacuate the area and take necessary precautions to avoid further accidents.

V. Environmental Protection

Prior to the installation of an SHV container near public places, an environmental impact assessment must be carried out by an experienced professional. After installation, regular tests must be carried out to ensure that any pollutants and contaminants of the container are in compliance with local environmental safety standards.

VI. Conclusion

The safe operation of SHV containers requires the strict adherence to the regulations established in this document. All personnel involved in the installation, operation and maintenance of SHV containers must be familiar with the relevant requirements, and inspect, maintain and repair the containers in accordance with the regulations. Strict adherence to these regulations will help ensure the safety and integrity of SHV container operations.

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