Current Liabilities Audit

Finance and Economics 3239 07/07/2023 1038 Hannah

尺度大约 在文章的框架我们可以按照以下来编写: I. Introduction A. Definition of Current Liabilities B. Overview of Current Liabilities II. Understanding Going-Concern Concept A. What is Going-Concern B. Importance of Going-Concern III. Auditing of Current Liabilities A. Nature of Audit B. Me......

尺度大约 在文章的框架我们可以按照以下来编写:

I. Introduction

A. Definition of Current Liabilities

B. Overview of Current Liabilities

II. Understanding Going-Concern Concept

A. What is Going-Concern

B. Importance of Going-Concern

III. Auditing of Current Liabilities

A. Nature of Audit

B. Methods of Audit

C. Considerations for Current Liabilities Audit

IV. Conclusion

A. Summary

B. Future Outlook


Current liabilities are obligations that businesses owe to creditors and are expected to pay off within one year. Current liabilities can arise from debit for purchases and services, wages and payroll taxes due, rent, taxes and outstanding bills. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) require current liabilities to be reported on the balance sheet. Due to their short-term nature, current liabilities are an important indicator of a company’s financial health.

Current liabilities are important both theoretically and practically. They are important theoretically because they indicate leverage and the potential need for refinancing. Current liabilities are important practically since running short on cash or maintaining too much debt can get a company in trouble.


What is Going-Concern?

Going-concern is an accounting concept which assumes that an entity will remain in business for the foreseeable future. The concept of going-concern is used in financial statements and is an important factor in determining the values of assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. This is because it assumes that the entity will continue to make payments on its debts, as well as that receivers of payments will continue to receive payments.

Importance of Going-Concern

The concept of going-concern is important to financial reporting since it allows preparers to record liabilities and assets at the proper values on the balance sheet. The going-concern concept assumes that there will be a period of time in which the entity can make payments and recover both liabilities and assets at their true values. The concept also assumes that there is not a need to write down assets or increase liabilities.


Nature of Audit

Auditing current liabilities involves analysis of an entity’s books and records to determine if balances for current liabilities are correct and if an entity’s management is properly documenting the transactions. Both total and individual line items must be audited to ensure accuracy. This can include Internal Revenue Service payroll records, accounts payable accounts, lenders’ statements and other documents.

Methods of Audit

Auditors use several methods to ensure that the liabilities reported on the balance sheet are accurate. These include analytical review, inspection, confirmation and other tests. Analytical review is the process of analyzing the information presented in the balance sheet, determining whether there are inconsistencies, and validating the accuracy of the reported amounts. Inspection involves both physical inspection and exact counting of documents. Confirmation is a process of contacting the entities responsible for liability, such as banks, creditors and insurers to determine their knowledge of the loan or other liability.

Considerations for Current Liabilities Audit

In addition to the nature and methods of an audit, it is important to consider other factors such as internal controls, the use of an accrual system, segmentation of liabilities and trends. Internal controls are protocols and procedures designed to ensure that the operations and assets of an entity are secure and that the balance sheet accurately and correctly reflects the assets and liabilities of the business. The use of an accrual system can help ensure that all current liabilities are recorded in a timely manner. Segmentation of current liabilities allows an auditor to more easily determine if any liabilities have been omitted. Trends analysis involves examining the changes in current liabilities over various periods of time, which can alert the auditor to possible problems.


In conclusion, current liabilities are an important component of a company’s balance sheet and can be an indicator of the company’s financial health. Auditing current liabilities involves evaluating the accuracy of reported liabilities, examining internal controls and other factors, and ensuring that the going-concern concept is properly applied. With the appropriate consideration of these factors, auditors can ensure that current liabilities are reported accurately.

The importance of current liabilities and the importance of a timely and accurate audit of current liabilities cannot be overstated. Businesses must be cognizant of and properly document their liabilities in order to ensure their continued financial health and success. Auditors must exercise their due diligence when evaluating the accuracy of current liabilities on a company’s balance sheet and should always base their opinions on the information presented.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-07 1038 Aurora Breeze

The purpose of an audit of current liabilities is to determine whether the amounts are accurate and properly stated in the financial statements and that all information necessary to determine the balances and related disclosures are properly included in the financial statements. The audit should i......

The purpose of an audit of current liabilities is to determine whether the amounts are accurate and properly stated in the financial statements and that all information necessary to determine the balances and related disclosures are properly included in the financial statements. The audit should include a review of the types of current liabilities, the methods of accounting for them, and the related balance sheet and income statement presentations.

The auditor should compare the historical amounts reported for the current liabilities with current and expected cash flows. In addition, the auditor should confirm debts with outside creditors when necessary. This includes requests for debt verification from the orgainzations creditors and/or lenders.

The auditor should also investigate any significant differences between the reported balance of current liabilities and the expected balance. If there are differences, the auditor should analyze why the differences exist and if they adversely affect the entity’s overall financial condition.

The auditor should also analyze the recorded provision for doubtful accounts and loans, and test whether the provision is adequate. The auditor should inquire about managements policies and procedures for monitoring accounts receivable and loans, including delinquency and collections reviews.

Finally, the auditor should assess whether the entity is in compliance with any terms and conditions associated with external interest bearing debt, and verify the timely payment of external debt.

The objectives of an audit of current liabilities include ensuring that the financial statement information is complete and accurate, and that any related disclosures are in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. The auditor should pay special attention to any potentially material items that could affect the entity’s financial statements.

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