Effective utilization coefficient of blast furnace heat

Ironmaking 325 1071 Sophia

。 Introduction The efficient utilization of thermal energy in a blast furnace has an important impact on the economics of iron and steel production. In order to utilize the thermal energy of the blast furnace effectively, it is necessary to select a high efficient furnace thermal energy utilizati......


The efficient utilization of thermal energy in a blast furnace has an important impact on the economics of iron and steel production. In order to utilize the thermal energy of the blast furnace effectively, it is necessary to select a high efficient furnace thermal energy utilization coefficient. The furnace thermal energy utilization coefficient is defined as the ratio of the total thermal energy output of the blast furnace to the total thermal energy input.

The efficient utilization of the heat energy of the blast furnace depends on many factors, such as the design and structure of the furnace, the operating parameters, the furnace load and composition and the composition of the materials processed. In order to improve the efficiency of the blast furnace utilization and ensure the production of high quality iron, it is necessary to accurately determine the furnace thermal energy utilization coefficient.

Design Factors

The design of a blast furnace is an important factor affecting the furnace thermal energy utilization coefficient. The design should ensure that the thermal efficiency of the furnace is optimized and the heat loss is minimized. The design should consider the increases of slag volumes, the impact of multiple tuyeres, the inclusion of additional stages, revised interhearth designs and preheating of furnace air.

The construction of a furnace should be such that a large part of the charge is heated in the blast furnace regenerative chamber. Good firing practices, such as preheating of the solid materials, moistening of dusty stock, alternating tuyeres use, timely combustion of gases and purging of furnace should be ensured.

Operational Factors

The operational parameters, such as production rate, arrangement and distribution of fuel, design and arrangement of combustion chambers and tuyeres, and the type and characteristics of the material charged, are important factors affecting the furnace thermal energy utilization coefficient. Proper operating parameters should be chosen to ensure maximum furnace efficiency.

The furnace temperature and tuyere pressure, should be monitored and controlled. The charging operation should be done properly with the help of a loggers and scales to avoid overcharging. Proper idle times and ignition heating periods should be employed to ensure adequate pre-heating of the furnace. The furnace bed should be adequately covered with fuel to ensure uniform heat distribution to the materials.

The composition and characteristics of the materials charged should be taken into consideration for the efficient utilization of the thermal energy. Materials of high crushing strength and high thermal capacity should be used for the efficient utilization of the thermal energy of the furnace. The behavior of the materials, such as the reactivity and fusion temperature, should be known for efficient utilization of the heat energy generated.

Furnace Load Composition

The composition of the furnace load is another important factor affecting the furnace thermal energy utilization coefficient. It is necessary to know the thermal energy demand of the furnace materials so that the heat energy provided by the fuel can be utilized efficiently.

It is also important to select the type and quantity of fuel in accordance with the heat requirement. The composition of the fuel should be balanced to ensure the optimal output of the furnace. The operating parameters of the furnace, such as temperature and pressures, should be adjusted to match the thermal energy demand of the materials.


For the efficient utilization of the thermal energy of the blast furnace, it is necessary to select a high efficient furnace thermal energy utilization coefficient. This depends on many factors, such as the design of the furnace, the operating parameters, the furnace load and composition, and the composition of the materials processed. The materials should have good thermal and mechanical characteristics for efficient utilization of the heat generated. The fuel should also be selected and used in such a way that it matches the thermal energy demand of the materials in the furnace.

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