Scratch is an unavoidable reality when a car is running for a long time. In daily life, many people will encounter those problems about the scratch of their car. Although the scratch may not affect the car’s performance, it is still a nuisance and creates an ugly impression to the car owner. Hence we need to know more about scratch and how to remove it.
Scratch on the car is a kind of normal wear and tear on its surface. Sources of these scratches are wide ranging, some of them are caused by human negligence or external force, others are from usage related elements. Inappropriate cleaning tools, such as hard brush or blades can scratch the car surface and leave marks. Apart from that, even small stones and sharp objects during car’s running can also cause scratches.
These scratches are usually located on lateral of vehicle, the front bumper and sometimes even its roof. There are two types of the scratches - Surface scratches and deep scratches. Surface scratches are generally non-penetrative therefore they are easy to remove.
In case of surface scratches, some car owners may try to remove the marks with car wax or some other cleaning agents. If the problem is more complicated, it is better to apply specifically designed compound agent to efficiently remove them. The car owner then can use some polishing agent to make the car surface smooth again. All those steps are essential in the long run to maintain the car gloss.
However, deep scratches on the car surface do require special techniques for the removal. The process comprises of firstly, removing the marks with sandpaper and other grinding tools. After that, the car owner then can use car putty along with paint to cover the old scratch, followed by painting the entire surface.
In conclusion, scratch is a common problem for car owners, especially for those who have owned their car for quite a long time. The scratch can be caused by human carelessness or external objects, but it affects the look of your car a lot. An understanding of different kinds of scratches and their removal methods is essential. By conducting these processes properly, the car owners will be able to bring back the gloss to their beloved car.