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wet oxidation carbonization technology Wet oxidation carbonization technology is a process of converting organic materials into charcoal. The process involves treating organic materials with oxygen and steam to thermally decompose them into a combustible, carbon-rich product called “charcoal”.......

wet oxidation carbonization technology

Wet oxidation carbonization technology is a process of converting organic materials into charcoal. The process involves treating organic materials with oxygen and steam to thermally decompose them into a combustible, carbon-rich product called “charcoal”. This type of technology is especially suitable for treating large volumes of material, such as agricultural residues, sewage sludge and other plant and animal waste.

The wet oxidation carbonization process is an exothermic reaction, meaning it releases heat during decomposition and thermal treatment of organic materials. This process can be performed either in an open vessel or an autoclave. In an open vessel, oxygen and steam are injected into the vessel along with the organic materials, while in an autoclave, the organic materials are pressurized and heated to induce oxidation.

The organic feedstock is generally heated to between 350°C and 600°C, depending on the type and amount of organic material. As temperatures further increase, more combustible material, called charcoal, is produced. When properly incised, charcoal can remain intact for hundreds of years with minimal degradation. This does not only preserve the material, but also increases its durable.

The amount of charcoal produced is often determined by the rate of reaction and can range from 10-90% of the organic input mass. The rest of the products released during wet oxidation are by-products, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulfur and water. By-products can be used as a fertilizer, or burned to generate electrical power.

At the end of the process, the charcoal can be used in industries such as waste management, food processing, and energy production for its purity and high burn temperature. The by-products released during wet oxidation can also be used in fertilizer and bio-fuel.

Wet oxidation carbonization technology has several advantages, such as reducing environmental pollution from organic wastes, producing clean energy, and increasing economic value of organic materials. Furthermore, this technology offers efficient and low-cost process for converting organic wastes into useful energy products. Finally, since organic materials can be easily carbonized, this technology can provide sustainable and renewable sources of charcoal for industrial purposes.

For businesses seeking a cost-effective and sustainable way to manage organic waste, wet oxidation carbonization technology may be the right solution. This method offers businesses the opportunity to increase their profitability, create cleaner and safer products, and reduce their carbon footprint. With the proper support, this technology can be an essential part of transitioning to a greener, more sustainable economy.

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