The shape and size of magnesia brick and magnesia silica brick

Refractories 554 1035 Samantha

Magnesia brick and magnesia silicon brick are both refractory materials with a wide range of applications. Magnesia brick and magnesia silicon brick shape and size, need to consider the thermal shock resistance, abrasive wear resistance, refractoriness and other properties, at the same time need t......

Magnesia brick and magnesia silicon brick are both refractory materials with a wide range of applications. Magnesia brick and magnesia silicon brick shape and size, need to consider the thermal shock resistance, abrasive wear resistance, refractoriness and other properties, at the same time need to consider the structure of the furnace, such as furnace radiation heating area, burning and other parts of the working conditions are different and other aspects.

Magnesia brick: magnesia brick mainly uses high purity sintered magnesia as raw material. The MgO content of the brick is more than 90%, and there are five ore series according to the MgO content. The brick has a high refractory temperature, good thermal shock resistance, good wear resistance and acid erosion resistance. The main sizes of magnesia brick are 200 * 115 * 65mm and 250 * 125 * 75mm. That is, the length and width of the brick are basically twice the thickness.

Magnesia silicon brick: Magnesia silicon brick has high strength, good thermal shock stability and erosion resistance, and can bear high load. It has strong Al2O3,SiO2,CaO (or MgO) and other components. The magnesia silicon brick has a variety of sizes. The general standard size is no more than 115 × 65 × 35mm. It is also divided into full size magnesia silicon brick and half size magnesia silicon brick. Some magnesia silicon bricks also do not conform to the shape and size of 115 × 65 × 35mm, but also do not conform to other shapes, such as no longer being square, but flat rectangular blocks.

Magnesia chrome brick: magnesia chrome brick is a kind of refractory material made of magnesia, chromium oxide, etc. The advantages of magnesia chrome brick are high refractoriness and good corrosion resistance. The main sizes of magnesia chrome brick are generally 120 × 90 × 30mm and 100 × 102 × 25mm.

Magnesia zircon brick: magnesia zircon brick is made of high purity raw materials and pressed into a brick shape. It has high refractory and good thermal shock stability. It is suitable for high temperature parts such as various combustion chambers, tuyeres and hot air channels. The main size of magnesia zircon brick is 60 × 40 × 20mm.

In summary, the shape and size of magnesia brick, magnesia silicon brick, magnesia chrome brick and magnesia zircon brick vary according to the purpose and usage of the product and the performance requirements, and each product has its unique size. In actual use, it is necessary to choose the right product according to the specific requirements.

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