Fashion, Functions and Fads: The Constant Change of Popular Culture
Popular culture has made quite a significant impact on our lives and has become an inseparable part of modern society. Much of what we enjoy, wear, dare to do and want has become heavily influenced by the mainstream media and industry-driven trends. We can see that no matter what year it is, certain ideas, fashion trends and other facets of popular culture keep on changing.
The way people view popular culture is constantly shifting and changing, as what was once popular shifts with time. Many fads come and go, such as the recent trend of overalls with one shoulder strap showing. However, what once was the trendiest of trends, in the past may find its way back into popular culture sooner or later. Such trends cause cycles in the fashion industry and what we wear, eat and listen to often play into this cycle.
In addition to constantly shifting fashion trends, modern technology has been a huge factor in what is popular. Technology constantly usher in new design possibilities that can be used to develop new products and services. This makes it difficult to determine what trends will be popular and what will fall out of favour.
While fashion and technology play a significant role in popular culture, there is something else that makes us a part of it: its functions. Brands, companies and corporations offer services and products that make our lives easier and more convenient. We can purchase food online, look up information online, watch TV shows online, listen to music online, and engage in social media. All of these provide us with functions that make our lives easier and help us stay connected to one another.
Popular culture also includes topics of discussion. Everything from political debates to debates concerning gender roles, race and sexuality are topics of discussion among those participating in popular culture. Such debates shape our opinions, our ideals and the way we view the world.
Many aspects of popular culture have become commonplace and have changed the way we think and act. We may not even realize it, but much of what we do, consume and take for granted has been heavily influenced by what is popular in the media. Pop culture is constantly in flux and it is impossible to determine what will be popular and what will fail. However, no matter what year it is, we will find ourselves being a part of popular culture.