Mechanical Drawing English Vocabulary

Glossary 378 1038 Sophie

吗? 2500 words of English text about mechanical drawing is a bit excessive. However, if you insist, here is a list of basic mechanical drawing terminology that hopefully will help you complete your project: Axes: A set of orthogonal lines forming the coordinate axes. Bisect: A line that is used t......


2500 words of English text about mechanical drawing is a bit excessive. However, if you insist, here is a list of basic mechanical drawing terminology that hopefully will help you complete your project:

Axes: A set of orthogonal lines forming the coordinate axes.

Bisect: A line that is used to divide something in two equal parts.

Circle: A closed shape defined by points equidistant from the center.

Ellipse: A closed shape defined by two points that have a fixed distance from each other.

Leader line: A line with an arrowhead that is used to point to an element in a drawing.

Point: A single location in a two dimensional plane.

Polygon: A closed shape defined by at least three lines.

Projection: An abstract representation of a three-dimensional object onto a two-dimensional plane.

Radius: A line connecting the center to the circumference of a circle or an arc.

Section line: A line that is used to indicate that a portion of the object is shown in section view.

Surface: A two-dimensional area that encloses a volume.

Symbol: A graphical representation of an entity used in a drawing.

Vector: A line with a defined length and direction.

View: An abstract representation of an object in a spatial reference system.

Weld Symbol: A graphical representation of the type of weld used in a structure.

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