Cambridge School is an educational movement that began in Cambridge, England, in the mid-1800s. Its goal was to provide students with a social education, instead of the traditional academic education. This new approach was designed to foster a sense of curiosity, questioning, and creativity.
The beginnings of the Cambridge School began with Henry Sidgwick, an English philosopher and moralist. He believed that education should go beyond rote memorization and dry facts – it should be a journey of exploration. Sidgwick argued that students should be prompted to think, debate, and form opinions. He also wanted to encourage students to develop character and courage.
Sidgwick’s approach quickly gained followers; soon, the idea of a Cambridge School burst into public life in the form of an educational institute. The Cambridge School focused on promoting exploration, developing students’ abilities to think independently, and encouraging students to question the world around them.
The Cambridge School believed that education should be meaningful and interactive. Its teachers stressed the value of discussion and debate, and the concept of learning through doing. Students were encouraged to read, think, analyze, and apply what they had learned.
At the same time, the Cambridge School encouraged students to form their own judgments. Teachers tried to form a learning environment in which young people could form their own beliefs and conclusions.
The Cambridge School also tackled social topics such as corruption, poverty, and crime. Teachers attempted to reform educational methods, hoping to create a more just and rewarding educational experience.
One of the main principles of the Cambridge School was that education should be accessible to all students. The institution was dedicated to making education available to people of all classes and backgrounds.
One of the best-known products of the Cambridge School is the “Cambridge Method.” This method emphasizes the importance of active exploration, questioning, and problem-solving. The Cambridge Method is still used today and is widely considered one of the most effective teaching methods available.
The legacy of the Cambridge School has had a lasting influence on education. Its commitment to fostering creativity and independent thought has become a core element of modern education. While the Cambridge School no longer exists as a physical institution, its lasting impact can be seen in many classrooms around the world.