GB 5773-86 Performance Test Method for Positive Displacement Refrigeration Compressors

,文章的主要内容是要介绍GB 5773-86容积式制冷压缩机的性能试验方法,要包含性能试验环境要求,测量设备,测量指标及试验步骤,请有相关知识的人帮助写。 Performance Test Method of Volume Refrigeration Compressor GB 5773-86 GB 5773-86 is a national standard which aims to define the specification and perfor......

,文章的主要内容是要介绍GB 5773-86容积式制冷压缩机的性能试验方法,要包含性能试验环境要求,测量设备,测量指标及试验步骤,请有相关知识的人帮助写。

Performance Test Method of Volume Refrigeration Compressor GB 5773-86

GB 5773-86 is a national standard which aims to define the specification and performance test method of volume refrigeration compressors. The standard provides the requirements of the performance test environment, test equipment and indexes, and the descriptions of test procedures. The purpose of the test is to ensure the quality of the compressor and provide users with the necessary technical assurance.

The performance test environment, as defined by GB 5773-86, needs to guarantee that the test temperature of liquid refrigerant is 0-7℃, the ambient temperature is 10℃-35℃, and the total pressure is 101.325kPa. On occasions where the listed environmental conditions cannot be achieved, such as when there is high temperature, special measures must be taken to ensure that the above conditions can be observed.

The test equipment consists of compressor measuring equipment, measuring table, measuring device, thermometer and other parts. The measuring table must satisfy the requirements of GB 5773-86.

The performance test indexes, as listed in the standard, include test conditions, discharge temperature, speed, exhaust pressure, and refrigeration delivery. The experiments for each of these indexes need to be separate procedures.

The test procedure consists of check and preparation, performance test, and necessary adjustments. The performance test consists of the measurement of exhaust pressure and refrigeration delivery. When the total delivery at rated speed reaches 0.8 degrees Celsius (K), the exhaust pressure of the compressor needs to be measured. The delivery measured needs to satisfy the requirements of the standard.

In summary, this standard provides a series of technical requirements for the performance test of volume refrigeration compressors, including the performance test environment and equipment, test indexes and procedures. It is of great importance in ensuring the quality of the volumes refrigeration compressors, and providing users with reliable and necessary technical support.

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