Linhai Jianghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

Linhai City Jianghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Linhai City Jianghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., is a professional shipbuilding and repairing enterprise, located in Linhai City, Zhejiang Province, China. Established in 1961, the Company has been engaged in shipbuilding, repairing, conversion and equipmen......

Linhai City Jianghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

Linhai City Jianghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., is a professional shipbuilding and repairing enterprise, located in Linhai City, Zhejiang Province, China. Established in 1961, the Company has been engaged in shipbuilding, repairing, conversion and equipment manufacturing, as well as in the design, manufacturing and sale of marine technology products over the past five decades.

The company is committed to the safe operation of ships, and provides excellent services in terms of ship repair and conversion, ship designs and manufacturing. It has constructed various types of vessels for the Chinese Navy, for the export market, and for the commercial use of domestic enterprises. The company has a workforce of more than 1,900 people and experts from the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, the Harbin Institute of Technology, the Shanghai Jiaotong University, and other institutions of higher learning.

The company has excelled in its shipbuilding and equipment manufacturing services, as evidenced by its successful delivery of sophisticated vessels for various purposes, such as container ships, tankers, chemical tankers and other special-purpose vessels. In addition, the company has been providing services for vessel conversion and classification society compliance, as well as offering comprehensive research and development services for the design, construction, and testing of floating structures.

As the largest shipping enterprises in China, Jianghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. has earned numerous prestigious awards, such as the Shipbuilding Outstanding Contribution Award and the Heavy Manufacturing National Top Ten Enterprises. In addition, the company has earned recognition as a High-Reliability Organization in the Shipbuilding Industry and an Advanced Enterprise in the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.

In order to meet the needs of the changing market, the company has advanced its technical capabilities in advanced shipbuilding and related technology, and has established a comprehensive production management system that ensures the quality and safety of its products. The company has established a number of advanced production facilities, such as five large-scale workshops for shipbuilding and a special engineering workshop for the fabrication and assembly of large-scale vessels, in order to ensure a higher level of production.

The company is committed to environmental protection, and has adopted the latest environmental control technologies, in order to reduce its environmental impact. The company has also implemented a range of energy-saving policies, such as installing solar power systems and energy-saving facilities in its production workshops, in order to reduce its energy consumption.

The company was the first in China to introduce advanced CAD/CAM technology and advanced shipbuilding systems. These technologies enable the company to provide efficient, cost-effective and advanced services to its customers.

Linhai City Jianghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. is committed to providing high quality services for the domestic and international shipbuilding industry. With its excellent services, innovative fleet development, and high-quality products, the company is a leader in the Chinese shipbuilding industry.

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