Preparation method of carbon steel electrode type (GB/T 5117-1995)

写作 Standardization of Welding Rods of Carbon Steel (GB/T 5117-1995) 1. Introduction This standard is formulated to ensure high quality and reliability of welding of carbon steel, so as to promote welding technology for carbon steel. This standard is applicable to the standardization of welding......


Standardization of Welding Rods of Carbon Steel

(GB/T 5117-1995)

1. Introduction

This standard is formulated to ensure high quality and reliability of welding of carbon steel, so as to promote welding technology for carbon steel. This standard is applicable to the standardization of welding rods for carbon steel materials.

2. Scope

This standard specifies the standards for welding rods for carbon steel, the product designation and mark, designations and the methods for their calculation, classification, size, tolerance and inspection and test methods.

3. Classification

The welding rods for carbon steel are divided into 4 categories, according to the chemical composition of the welding rods as follows:

(1) E-series welding rods: they are suitable for welding mild steel, low-alloy steel and some high strength steels.

(2) US-series welding rods: they are suitable for welding low-alloy steels and some high strength steels.

(3)UF-series welding rods: they are suitable for welding carbon steel and some high strength steels.

(4) SQ-series welding rods: they are suitable for welding carbon steel and some high strength steels.

4. Product Designation and Mark

The product designation and the mark of welding rods of carbon steel are composed of the following elements:

(1) product group, e.g. “E”, “U”, “UF” and “SQ”.

(2) welding current, AC/DC, e.g. “AC”, “DC”.

(3) coefficient of the mechanical properties, “A”, “B” or “C”.

(4) electrode size, e.g. 1.2 ,2.0, 3.2, etc.

(5) number, which indicates the welding rod’s nominal classification, e.g. E43, U54,etc.

5. Descriptions and Methods for their Calculation

The descriptions of the welding rods of carbon steel, i.e. the requirements of mechanical properties, shall be specified according to the product designation shown in the product specification or the mark tattooed on the welding rod. The value of mechanical properties for the welding rod shall be calculated in accordance with the method as specified in the product specification.

6. Size

The welding rods of carbon steel shall be according to the size 16mm A3, 16mm A4, 16mm A5, 32mm A6, 32mm A7, 32mm A8, etc.

7. Tolerance

The values of tolerance of welding rods of carbon steel shall be according to the table of tolerances as specified in the product specification.

8. Inspection and Test Methods

(1) Visual inspection: it shall be conducted according to the requirements of product specification.

(2) Eddy current test: it shall be conducted in accordance with the product specification.

(3) Mechanical test: it shall be conducted in accordance with the product specification.

9. Package and Storage

The welding rods of carbon steel shall be stored in a dry, clean and well-ventilated environment with the temperature not exceeding 55℃ or below 15℃.

The welding rods of carbon steel shall be packed as specified in the product specification.

10. Labeling and Identification

All labels and instructions of the welding rods of carbon steel shall be according to the product specification.

11. Conformity Assessment

The conformity assessment of the welding rods of carbon steel shall be according to the requirements of product specification.

12. Notes

This standard was created on the basis of Chinas internal technology and experience and compiled in accordance with the rules of Technical Specifications for Standardization in China, combining with international and domestic practice.

The provisions of this standard do not preclude a contract agreement between the supplier and buyer.

This standard was revised and released in 1995.

This standard was implemented on April 1, 1996.

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