Refractory brick processing

Introduction Firebrick processing is the key to producing high-quality, efficient and effective refractory bricks. Refractory bricks are clay-based products that are fired to very high temperatures, resulting in products with superior heat retention, chemical resistance, and fire resistance. Refr......


Firebrick processing is the key to producing high-quality, efficient and effective refractory bricks. Refractory bricks are clay-based products that are fired to very high temperatures, resulting in products with superior heat retention, chemical resistance, and fire resistance. Refractory bricks come in many shapes and sizes and can be used in a variety of industrial applications. Understanding the different types of firebrick processing and the various firing temperatures required for each will help you make an informed decision when purchasing refractory bricks.

Types of Firebrick Processing

There are several types of firebrick processing available, depending on the intended use of the refractory bricks. Prebaking is the process of partially firing firebricks at a relatively low temperature prior to any other firing processes, such as vitrification or full firing. This prebaked firebrick is then ready to be used in a variety of applications, including kiln linings, fireplaces, and commercial brick ovens. Vitrification is the process of firing firebricks to extremely high temperatures in order to increase the brick’s strength, chemical resistance, and thermal shock resistance. Full firing is the process of firing firebricks to even higher temperatures in order to completely vitrify the brick. This is the process used for producing the highest quality firebricks.

Firing Temperatures

The firing temperature required for refractory brick processing depends on the intended use. Prebaking typically requires temperatures between 900°F -1100°F, depending on the type of brick being prebaked. Vitrification requires temperatures between 1600°F -1900°F, while full firing typically requires temperatures above 2000°F. These temperatures are specific to each type of refractory brick and must be maintained during the firing process in order to achieve the necessary strength, durability, and fire resistance.


Firebrick processing is essential in producing high quality refractory bricks. The type of firebrick processing depends on the intended use, while the firing temperatures are specific to each type of refractory brick. Prebaking typically requires temperatures between 900°F -1100°F, while full firing typically requires temperatures above 2000°F. Understanding the different types of firebrick processing and the various firing temperatures required for each type of refractory brick will ensure that you purchase the appropriate refractory bricks for your needs.

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