rock ore compressive strength

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尊敬的用户你好: Compressive strength of igneous rock is an important property that contributes to the mechanical characteristics of an igneous rock, as it pertains to the application of any rock in engineering projects under loads. The definition of compressive strength is the maximum crushing st......


Compressive strength of igneous rock is an important property that contributes to the mechanical characteristics of an igneous rock, as it pertains to the application of any rock in engineering projects under loads. The definition of compressive strength is the maximum crushing stress a material can withstand at a given pressure. For a given material, the compressive strength value is only valid if it is determined from samples of the same material taken and tested from the same source. For igneous rocks, this is usually obtained from laboratory testing of properly prepared rock core samples.

Compelling evidence in the available literature and on-site performance of igneous rocks suggest that compressive strength increases with increased age, as well as with increased degree of metamorphism, burial, contact metamorphism, recrystallization, pressure, and any other processes that involve physical or chemical alteration of the rock. Compressive strength is a key factor to consider when evaluating the suitability of igneous rocks for construction. The determination of compressive strength of an igneous rock is therefore an essential part of quantifying and understanding the applicability and durability of metamorphosed igneous rock in construction.

Various tests are used to evaluate the physical properties of igneous rocks, such as point load tests and compressive strength tests. These tests are typically expensive and also very time consuming. Compressive strength tests involve the use of a compression machine to apply force to the sample and measure the stress resistance. This test is useful for predicting the strength characteristics of igneous rocks under given conditions. Point load tests use a loading station to apply a load to a sample of the rock, and measure its resistance to the load. This method is useful for assessing the quality of exposed rock in the field, but does not provide detailed information about the compressive strength of the rock mass.

The compressive strength of rocks is dependent on numerous factors including mineralogy, grain size, porosity, crystallinity, microstructures, temperature, water-rock reactions, and pore-water pressure. Magma composition and textural features of the magma rock are also important indicators of rock strength, as they provide a source of information on crystal size, shape, and packing. A range of other factors, such as weathering, erosion, and hydrothermal alteration, can also influence rock strength.

An understanding of the pore structure, mineralogy, and grain size of igneous rocks is necessary to properly assess their compressive strength. Factors such as grain size and pore structure can significantly influence the susceptibility of a rock to failure. Compressive strength is also impacted by the strain rate, which is an indicator of how rapidly a rock is deformed when loaded. Stress-strain rate behaviour is particularly important for brittle rocks subjected to high strain-rate loading.

In conclusion, the compressive strength of igneous rocks can be determined through laboratory testing, by applying loads and measuring the relative resistance of the rock to the force. Numerous factors, such as mineralogy, grain size, porosity, textural features, weldability, pore structure, and strain rate, can influence the compressive strength of igneous rocks. An understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of igneous rocks, given the various test procedures and conditions is important when determining their suitability for rock engineering projects.

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