Percussion drilling is a method of drilling that uses a hammer to create holes through solid materials such as thick metal or concrete. It is often used as a means of core sampling to assess the nature of the material below the surface, or to create ventilation or access holes. The process has been in use since antiquity, and is still used in various situations, both commercially and in DIY projects.
The basic idea behind percussion drilling is to use a tool to create a hole in a material by repeatedly striking it, much as a blacksmith might do when forging a metal tool. The tool used is usually a heavy and sturdy drill shaped somewhat like a hammer, with a chisel-like head on the end. It has a long handle that is designed to give the user leverage and control when striking the material. The action is quite similar to the traditional carving of a hole—a chisel is used to chip and shape away small pieces until the desired size and shape of the hole is achieved.
The method is highly suitable for a variety of situations, particularly for those where hammering is necessary, such as in construction or building projects. It is also useful for situations where a hard surface needs to be penetrated in order to perform some task or take a core sample. It is relatively fast and simple to use, yet provides good control and reasonable precision in the hole size, shape, and depth. It can be used to penetrate materials that are too thick to be easily drilled with an electric drill, such as cast iron or thick concrete.
The main disadvantage of percussion drilling is that it can be labor intensive, as the user must swing the hammer continually in order to break up the material and make progress. Additionally, the speed of drilling is limited by the strength of the user and the type of material being drilled, and is thus slower than an electric drilling machine.
Percussion drilling is a reliable and effective process for making holes in a variety of materials, and is still used in many contexts today. It continues to be an important tool in many trades, providing a good means to quickly and accurately create a hole of the desired size and shape, while using strong and reliable methods. The drilling process itself is relatively simple, and requires minimal tools and no complicated machines. For all these reasons, percussion drilling remains an important and often used process.