organizational values

Creating an Organizational Mission, Vision, and Values Every successful organization needs a mission, vision and values in order to operate in a consistent and efficient manner. These three components work together to provide guidance to employees, investors and other stakeholders, and ensure tha......

Creating an Organizational Mission, Vision, and Values

Every successful organization needs a mission, vision and values in order to operate in a consistent and efficient manner. These three components work together to provide guidance to employees, investors and other stakeholders, and ensure that everyone is “pulling in the same direction.” Whether you are part of a large corporation or a small business, it pays to take the time to create a meaningful mission, vision and values statement.


A mission statement describes what an organization is and why it exists. It should articulate the organization’s core purpose and explain why the organization exists in the first place. It should also be concise, captivating and inspiring enough to be memorable.

A well-crafted mission statement answers the important question “Why do we exist?” For example, a mission can provide purpose by focusing on philanthropic causes, such as, “To improve the lives of underprivileged children in our community”. Or, a mission may be more focused on the customer, such as, “To provide our customers with the highest quality products and services available.”


The vision describes where the organization hopes to be in the future and it should inspire and excite the organization’s staff and stakeholders. It should be a clear, vivid and captivating description of the organization’s future.

A good vision statement answers the questions “Where do we want to be?” and “What do we aspire to achieve?” It should be specific and actionable, but also ambitious and inspirational. For instance, a vision could focus on growth and expansion, such as, “To become a global leader in our industry by 2025”. Or, a vision can focus on product innovation, such as, “To create revolutionary products that improve lives around the world.”


Values statement encompass the beliefs, principles and behaviors of an organization. In the simplest terms, values are the “rules of the road” that define our manner of conduct. Unlike the mission and vision, values are not intended to change over time and should remain timeless.

Values should guide the organization’s decisions, plans and strategies. Examples of values may include integrity, respect, diligence, innovation and collaboration. Values can also focus on customer-centric matters such as service excellence, quality and reliability.

Creating a Mission, Vision, and Values Statement

The process of creating these three core statements should involve the input of staff, stakeholders and other key individuals. Their input will ensure that the mission, vision and values statements are aligned with their goals and objectives.

The statements should be developed in a collaborative and inclusive nature, focusing on the urgent importance of why the business or organization exists in the first place. Once the statements are written and accepted, they should be uploaded to the organization’s website and other internal communication platforms.

Having a mission, vision and values statement that you and your organization believe in is essential for success. A clearly articulated mission, vision and values statement will help your organization stay focused and aligned to its core beliefs, which in turn will help motivate and engage your staff, partners and other stakeholders.








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