CNC machine tool maintenance and repair technical skills (2)

Maintenance and Repair Techniques of CNC Machine Tools (II) The CNC machine tool is the main mechanical equipment in modern industry and has a wide range of applications. In order to maintain the stability of the equipment and ensure its normal operation, reasonable maintenance and repair of the ......

Maintenance and Repair Techniques of CNC Machine Tools (II)

The CNC machine tool is the main mechanical equipment in modern industry and has a wide range of applications. In order to maintain the stability of the equipment and ensure its normal operation, reasonable maintenance and repair of the equipment is necessary. The following is a brief introduction of the maintenance and repair techniques of the CNC machine tools:

1. Power part maintenance: CNC machine tools include various types of power equipment, such as machine tool drives, spindle power, and machine tool servo systems. Regular maintenance and inspection of these power systems should be carried out. Special attention should be paid to the pollution by dust, moisture and oil and whether the parts, screws and supports are in normal use.

2. Lubrication maintenance: The CNC machine tool structure design is often complex, with many parts requiring lubrication. The lubrication of each part is also different. Therefore, it is necessary to check on a regular basis as to whether the lubrication situation of each part is reasonable, and supplement or replace them in time.

3. Mechanical parts maintenance: It is necessary to ensure that all parts of the CNC machine tool are clean at any time, to avoid dust, oxide and other pollution. And for the metal parts of the machine that are prone to heat, it is necessary to check their fastening status regularly and adjust them in time.

4. Electrical parts maintenance: It is necessary to check the electrical part of the CNC machine tool regularly, including wires, terminals and circuits, to ensure that each connection point is clean and secure.

5. Software maintenance: The software part of the CNC machine tool needs to be tested and adjusted regularly to ensure its accuracy.

6. other maintenance: It is necessary to check the cover of the machine tool regularly and it is necessary to clean up the debris and grease attached to various parts on time.

These are the main maintenance and repair techniques of the CNC machine tools. In order to ensure the normal operation of CNC machine tools, it is necessary to carry out regular inspection and maintenance of the above parts and carry out regular maintenance of some vulnerable parts to maximize the service life of the machine tool.

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