Metallurgical furnace flue gas waste heat utilization device

Metallurgical furnace flue gas Waste Heat Utilization System The waste heat generated during the combustion of theresidual gas from the Metallurgical furnace is wasted in vain unless itis properly utilized. Otherwise, it will not only not contribute to theimprovement of production efficiency, but......

Metallurgical furnace flue gas Waste Heat Utilization System

The waste heat generated during the combustion of theresidual gas from the Metallurgical furnace is wasted in vain unless itis properly utilized. Otherwise, it will not only not contribute to theimprovement of production efficiency, but also increase the pollution of theenvironment. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to make full use of this reseidual gas from the Metallurgical furnace. The basic principle of wasteheat utilization is that the waste heat is transformed into useful thermalenergy. The waste heat utilization device for Metallurgical furnace residuegas is the mechanical energy produced by the heat engine, which can beused in the Metallurgical heat process, or is converted into electric energyand industrial steam to provide thermal energy for other processes ofproduction.

The waste heat utilization device of Metallurgical furnace exhaust gas is a new type of energy-saving device developed specifically forresidual gas from Metallurgical furnace. This device adopts the principle ofthermal power generation, that is, utilizing the high temperature heat fromthe residual gas from the Metallurgical furnace, which is converted intomechanical energy. The mechanical energy is then converted into electricenergy or industrial steam for secondary utilization. The waste heatutilization device of Metallurgical furnace exhaust gas is mainly composedof four components: flue gas waste heat recovery device, heat exchanger,motor, and steam generator.

The flue gas waste heat recovery device is mainly responsible for collecting the waste heat that has not been fully utilized in the Metallurgical furnace, and then transporting it to the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is mainly responsible for heat exchange, that is, exchanging heat between the residual gas from Metallurgical furnace and the other energy-consuming device. This ensures that the waste heat is transferred to the other energy-consuming device in the form of heat transfer. The motor is mainly responsible for converting the heat energy provided by the heat exchanger into mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is then converted into electric energy or industrial steam for secondary utilization. Finally, the steam generator can convert the mechanical energy converted by the motor into industrial steam, which is used for other production processes.

The waste heat utilization device of Metallurgical furnace exhaust gas has a number of obvious advantages. First of all, this device can effectively reduce the emissions of flue gas from Metellurgical furnace, thus achieving the purpose of environmental protection. At the same time, the device is in full compliance with the relevant regulations of the international energy conservation, and will not cause any pollution to the environment. Second, the utilization rate of this device is high, and its energy efficiency can reach as high as 85%. This can greatly increase the energy utilization rate and improve the efficiency of energy utilization. Third, the device has a reliable operation, and its service life is long, which is beneficial to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of energy utilization.

In conclusion, the Metallurgical furnace flue gas waste heat utilization device can effectively reduce the emissions of flue gas and improve the efficiency of energy utilization. It is a reliable, efficient and environmentally friendly device, which has won wide recognition and trust from users.

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