organic solvent extraction

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独立论文 Solvent Extraction Method for Organic Compounds Abstract Solvent extraction is a widely used separation process in chemistry, biochemistry and analytical chemistry. It is a method of separating components of a mixture on the basis of their relative solubilities in two different immiscibl......

独立论文 Solvent Extraction Method for Organic Compounds


Solvent extraction is a widely used separation process in chemistry, biochemistry and analytical chemistry. It is a method of separating components of a mixture on the basis of their relative solubilities in two different immiscible liquid phases. This paper deals with the principles, procedures and application of this separation method. The focus of the paper is on the extraction of organic compounds in an aqueous solution based on the partitioning between an aqueous phase and a solvent phase. The types of solvents used in the extraction process and their properties are discussed. The theoretical background of the process is also outlined, along with the factors influencing the equilibrium distribution ratio of the component being extracted. Methods to optimize the solvent extraction process are also discussed.


Solvent extraction is a process to separate components of a mixture on the basis of their solubilities in two different immiscible liquids. It has significant application in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. The method finds its usage in a variety of applications, including the separation and purification of organic compounds from aqueous solutions, the recovery of valuable components from waste streams and the concentration of proteins from biological sources. It is a relatively simple and cost effective technique for separation and purification and has been the focus of significant research.

Principle of Operation

Solvent extraction is based on the principle of differential solubilities of compounds in two immiscible liquids. Generally, one of the phases is organic solvent, while the other is an aqueous phase containing the solute. Upon mixing, the molecules of the solute partition between the two phases and form separate pools in the respective phases. The extent of the solute’s solubility in each phase is dependent on the polarity of the solute molecule, its size and the strength of the intermolecular interactions between the molecules of the solute and the solvent molecules, as well as the temperature of the system. The division of the solute between two immiscible phases is known as ‘partitioning’.

Types of Solvents

A wide range of solvents are employed in the solvent extraction process. These solvents vary in terms of their solubility properties in the aqueous and organic phase, as well as the property of the extracted material and the desired separation.

Aliphatic hydrocarbons are the most commonly used solvent for solvent extraction, as they are relatively non-polar and have the ability to dissolve and extract non-polar substances. Typical aliphatic hydrocarbons employed include hexane, methylene chloride, benzene, toluene and petroleum ether.

Aromatic hydrocarbons are used for extracting polar solutes due to their solvent properties. Benzenes, xylenes and ethyl benzene are typical aromatic hydrocarbons employed in solvent extraction.

Alcohols like methanol and ethyl alcohol are water-soluble and can be used to extract some polar components. Ketones, esters and ethylene glycol are also sometimes used as extraction agents.

The nature of the extracted material and the desired separation also influence the choice of the solvent, as discussed further in a later section.

Theoretical Background

The degree of partitioning of a solute between two immiscible liquids is determined by its partition coefficient. This is defined as the ratio of solubility of the solute in the organic phase to that in the aqueous phase. It is the equilibrium constant for the partitioning of a solute between the two phases and is expressed as

K = Solute in the organic phase/ Solute in the aqueous phase

The partition coefficient is temperature dependent and its value is linked to the structures of the solute molecules and the solvents. Generally, solutes with higher partition coefficients show greater affinity towards the organic solvent while those with lower partition coefficients show greater affinity towards the aqueous phase.

Factors Influencing Partitioning

Various factors have a role to play in influencing the partitioning of a solute between two phases. Some of the key factors are discussed below.

The polarity of the solute molecule and the solvents is an important factor. Generally, non-polar solutes are attracted more towards non-polar solvents while polar solutes are attracted towards more polar solvents.

The size of the solute molecule also influences its solubility in a particular solvent. Large molecules tend to be more lipophilic and thus more soluble in non-polar solvents. Whereas small molecules can be more strongly polar and thus more soluble in polar solvents.

The strength of the intermolecular forces between the solute and solvent molecules also have a role to play in determining solubility.

The temperature of the system also affects solubility. Generally, increasing temperature increases the solubility of a solute in a solvent.

Optimizing the Solvent Extraction Process

The solubility of a particular solute molecule in a given solvent can be optimized for an extraction process by taking a number of parameters into account.

The volume of the extraction solvent can be adjusted to ensure that it is sufficient to completely dissolve the solute and that it does not lead to an increase in the total volume of the two phases.

The pH of the aqueous phase can be adjusted to optimize the solubility of the solute in the solvents. Adjustment of the pH of the aqueous phase is often used to increase the solubility of the solute in the organic phase, while reducing it in the aqueous phase.

The addition of a surfactant can also affect the distribution of the solutes between the two phases. Surfactants can reduce the surface tension at the interface between the two solvents and thus shift the equilibrium to favor the partitioning of the solute in the solvent of choice.


Solvent extraction is an important separation and purification technique that has a wide range of applications in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. It is based on the partitioning of components of a mixture between two immiscible liquids. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons are the most commonly used solvents for extraction, although other solvents like alcohols and ethylene glycol can also be employed. The solubility of a particular solute in a given solvent can be optimized by taking a number of parameters into consideration. The optimization of the solvent extraction process is essential for successful separations and purifications.

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