Hangzhou JieKong Transportation Co., Ltd. is a registered company dedicated to providing comprehensive and efficient transportation services to customers all over the world. Our experienced personnel, transparent business practices and reliable fleet of delivery vehicles allows us to provide a range of services such as express delivery, scheduled trucking, direct-to-consumer delivery, and more. We strive to meet our customers’ expectations by offering quality services, safe and reliable transportation, and convenient delivery options.
At the core of our operations lies the commitment to provide our customers with an unparalleled level of service and convenience. Our logistics planners strive to keep our operations running efficiently and cost-effectively, without compromising the security and safety of our customers’ goods. Our specialized logistics experts also keep abreast of the changing industry and regulatory updates, to ensure that our customers’ shipments are delivered according to their deadlines and specifications.
Hangzhou JieKong Transportation Co., Ltd. maintains a strict compliance policy to protect our customers’ data and goods during transportation. Our fleet of delivery vehicles is equipped with the latest technologies, including GPS tracking systems and advanced security measures. We also conduct regular maintenance checks and vehicle inspections to ensure that all of our vehicles are in optimal condition.
Hangzhou JieKong Transportation Co., Ltd. is committed to providing our customers with a seamless, hassle-free transport experience. We believe that through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to quality, we can help our customers move their cargo quickly, efficiently and safely across international boundaries. Our customers’ satisfaction is our number one priority, and we strive to ensure a stress-free and reliable delivery process every time.