Tian Ping Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd.

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Introduction Founded in 2021, Tianping Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd (TAPIN) is a leading multinational automotive insurer in China. It is committed to providing innovative and complete insurance coverage for automobiles, and is the pioneer of Internet + driving insurance. With the rapid devel......


Founded in 2021, Tianping Automobile Insurance Co., Ltd (TAPIN) is a leading multinational automotive insurer in China. It is committed to providing innovative and complete insurance coverage for automobiles, and is the pioneer of Internet + driving insurance.

With the rapid development of Chinas automobile industry and the continuous popularization of automobiles, TAPIN began to gradually expand its business, gradually opening up and exploring in Southeast Asia, Europe and other regions and countries.

The company provides a variety of automotive accident insurance products, as well as warranties, roadside assistance, etc. The products of TAPIN are divided into three levels: Mandatory Automotive Liability Insurances, Automotive Loss and Damage Insurances, and Special Automotive Insurances. The whole product portfolio is tailored to meet the needs of different age groups and different driving scenarios, from vehicles with short daily usage to career and commercial vehicles.


Central to TAPINs business is Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (MLI), which is Mandatory for all owned vehicles and certain special vehicles in China. MLI Cover covers bodily injury and property damage caused by insured vehicles and provides a limited amount of coverage for legal liabilities of the driver. The coverage varies depending on the type of vehicle, number of people involved, type of coverage and other factors. For example, the basic coverage of individual passenger cars is 50,000 yuan per person, and 30,000 yuan per occurrence.

TAPIN also offers a wide range of Automobile Loss and Damage Insurance (ADI) products that provide comprehensive coverage for automobile-related losses or damages. These include Auto Supplementary Liability Insurance (SLI), Auto Comprehensive Physical Damage Insurance (CDI), Auto Reinstatement Insurance (RI), Auto Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) and the annual Automobile Snowflake Insurance.

In addition, the company also provides Special Automobile Insurance (SAI), which includes Automobile Bailment Liability Insurance (BLI), Automobile Emergency Repair Reimbursement Insurance (EMRI) and Automobile Franchise Liability Insurance (FLI), all of which are specifically tailored for different needs.


TAPIN provides easy and fast procedures for policyholders. The company also offers automated services such as online payment and online claims, allowing customers to handle the entire process without having to leave their homes. In addition, the company supports online inquiries of basic information, vehicle premium calculation, and real-time feedback on insurance policy details, providing customers with an efficient and convenient experience.

Furthermore, the company offers value-added services such as a 24/7 roadside service hotline and a motor vehicle scheduling service. The latter allows policyholders to easily schedule vehicle inspections and renewals; while the former enables customers to request towing and other roadside assistance services in case of a breakdown or an accident.


TAPIN has been committed to providing innovative and comprehensive automotive insurance coverage since its founding in 2021. Thanks to its unique products, convenient services and reliable customer service, it has become a leading insurer in China and is expanding its business to foreign markets. With its unwavering commitment to offering the best protection for motorists, TAPIN is poised to remain at the forefront of China’s automotive insurance industry for years to come.

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