Improving Driver's Technical Quality to Solve the Problem of Combine Harvester Running Grain

Introduction Driving a combine harvester can be both skillful and dangerous. In order to harvest the crops safely and efficiently, the driver needs a lot of training and experience. Drivers with poor technical quality may lead to low yields, higher fuel consumption and even cause accidents. Theref......


Driving a combine harvester can be both skillful and dangerous. In order to harvest the crops safely and efficiently, the driver needs a lot of training and experience. Drivers with poor technical quality may lead to low yields, higher fuel consumption and even cause accidents. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the skill of the driver to solve the problem of running grains of the combine harvester.

1. The importance of improving the technical quality of combine harvester drivers

The combine harvester is the most advanced and efficient agricultural production machine, becoming increasingly important in the process of agricultural mechanization. A good combine harvester driver can use the machine to better exploit the land, in turn, can ensure the safety of combines. At the same time, drivers who have professional skill and knowledge can help to increase productivity and reduce fuel consumption, achieve the effective use of production tools, and improve the management level of agriculture.

2. The preparation of drivers before improving technical quality

Before improving the technical quality of combine harvester drivers, there are five preparatory steps:

(1) understand the scale and annual output of the farm. Before improving the technical quality of the driver, you should understand the size and annual output of the farm, so that the driver can create a reasonable plan to complete the tasks in a short time and get the best working effect;

(2) Give full play to the advantages of highly educated personnel.

Highly educated personnel are familiar with the knowledge of combine harvesters, so it is necessary to give full play to their advantages in the training of technical quality and maintenance of combine harvesters;

(3) Select and train skilled drivers. Before the technical quality of the driver is improved, it is necessary to select and train skilled drivers with strong ability and responsibility;

(4) Regularly increase skill of the driver. The technical quality of the driver should be strengthened in time, feeling the technical quality of the driver has been reached a certain level, one should pay more attention to the consolidated training of the drivers skill;

(5) Further application and demonstration of scientific management techniques. To effectively improve the technical quality of the driver, it is necessary to further apply and demonstrate scientific management techniques.

3. Strategies to Improve the Technical Quality of Drive

After preparation, several strategies can be used to improve the technical quality of the drive, including increased training, technical support and new tools.

(1) Increase training. Provide more and better professional training for drivers, including theory, safety operation, maintenance and repair of combine harvesters, so that they can keep abreast of the latest technical progress of combines during the harvest process;

(2) Provide technical support. Provide more technical support for the driver, such as timely inspection of the machine and spare parts, so that the driver can deal with unexpected problems immediately;

(3) Use of new tools. The use of new tools can greatly improve the efficiency of the driver. For example, using remote control to operate the combines, or installing management software, the driver can monitor the combines from the side, in order to have a better understanding of the whole harvesting process.


Improving the technical quality of combine harvester drivers is important for improving production, reducing fuel consumption and ensuring the safety of combines. A series of measures should be taken to do a good job in the selection and training of advanced and skilled drivers. In addition, governments should also increase investment in advanced technologies, such as automatic control systems and remote monitoring systems, to help drivers improve their technical skills and ensure efficient and safe operation of combines.

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