import contract

foreign trade 629 1054 Alice

Import Contract This import contract (the “Agreement”) is entered into between [Insert Sender] (the “Sender”) and [Insert Receiver] (the “Receiver”) on [Insert Date], and is valid and binding between them as of this date. The Sender is a party engaged in importing goods and/or services, wh......

Import Contract

This import contract (the “Agreement”) is entered into between [Insert Sender] (the “Sender”) and [Insert Receiver] (the “Receiver”) on [Insert Date], and is valid and binding between them as of this date.

The Sender is a party engaged in importing goods and/or services, while the Receivers are parties engaged in supplying the goods and/or services as requested. The details of the parties and the goods and/or services to be imported and supplied shall be set forth in full in this Agreement.

1. Orders and Specifications. The Receiver undertakes to supply the goods and/or services to the Sender in accordance with the orders and specifications (the “Order”) placed by it. The Sender reserves the right to change or modify the Order at any time, upon reasonable notice to the Receivers.

2. Prices. The prices for the goods and/or services shall be agreed upon by both parties, with the Sender having the exclusive right to negotiate or settle the prices. The final prices shall form an integral part of this Agreement.

3. Delivery and Acceptance. The goods and/or services shall be delivered at the place determined by the Sender. The Receiver shall ensure that the goods and/or services are packed according to the instructions of the Sender, in order to prevent damages or losses during transportation of the goods and/or services. Upon delivery, the goods and/or services shall be opened and inspected by the Sender, in order to verify its conformity with the Order. The Receiver may seek authorization from the Sender to perform any tests as necessary. The Sender reserves the right to accept or reject the goods and/or services supplied by the Receivers, should their quality not meet the expected standards. In case of rejection, the Receivers agrees to immediately refund the full purchase price.

4. Damages and Liability. The Receiver shall be liable for any and all damages arising from the supplying of the goods and/or services, including but not limited to any damages caused as a result of any shortfalls in quality or defects that are discovered in the goods and/or services supplied.

5. Payment Terms. The payment for the goods and/or services supplied to the Sender shall be made within [Insert Time Period] of the delivery date, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties. The Receiver undertakes to provide a detailed invoice of the goods and/or services supplied, along with the terms of payment, and shall be solely responsible for any and all taxes imposed in connection with the payment of goods and/or services.

6. Disclaimer of Warranties. The Parties hereby disclaim any and all representations and warranties, express, implied or arising out of any law, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, accuracy, title or quiet enjoyment, or those arising in course of dealing or usage of trade.

7. Confidentiality. The parties agree to keep all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as any information or knowledge gained through performance of this Agreement, strictly confidential. The parties shall not disclose any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement nor any information obtained through the performance hereof to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.

8. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party in the event that any material breach of any term or condition of this Agreement occurs.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date set forth above.







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