310 (ion nitriding) metallographic diagram

Metallographic map 1155 20/06/2023 1047 Catherine

Introduction In this article, we will be discussing the importance and detailed characteristics of ion nitridation of 310 stainless steel by looking at the microstructure and corrosion performance of the alloy before and after nitridation. We will examine the microstructural changes resulting fro......


In this article, we will be discussing the importance and detailed characteristics of ion nitridation of 310 stainless steel by looking at the microstructure and corrosion performance of the alloy before and after nitridation. We will examine the microstructural changes resulting from nitridation and use optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to observe them. We will then use these results to discuss the corrosion behavior of the alloy after nitridation and why it occurs.

Nitriding Background

Nitriding is the process of introducing nitrogen atoms into a substrate’s surface for the purpose of improving its hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. Nitriding is a heat treatment process that is usually carried out in a gas-diffusive furnace at lower temperatures than traditional heat treatments, making nitriding a much more efficient and cost-effective process than other processes used to improve the properties of metals. Some metals, like aluminum, cannot be hardened by nitriding, but metals like stainless steel, which have a higher nitrogen solubility, can.

Analysis and Results

In this study, the ion nitriding process was used to change the microstructure and corrosion performance of 310 stainless steel. The alloy was heated to 950°C for 8 hours in a pure nitrogen atmosphere and then cooled to room temperature in nitrogen gas. The alloy was then subjected to optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to analyze the microstructure of the material before and after nitridation.

Optical microscopy was used to examine the microstructure of the alloy before and after nitration, and the results revealed that nitration had caused the formation of a surface layer composed of nitrogenated iron nitride particles and a nitrogen-rich iron-rich matrix. This layer was found to be ~20 μm thick, and the particles were found to have an average size of 250-500 nm.

Scanning electron microscopy was used to further analyze the microstructure of the material before and after nitridation, and the results revealed that the nitrogen uptake of the alloy was ~2.2%. Nitridation had also caused a deterioration in grain size, which resulted in a finer grain structure. However, it is worth noting that the grains are still visible after nitridation.

The corrosion performance of the alloy was tested in a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution, and it was found that after nitridation, the alloy’s corrosion rate decreased significantly, from 0.17 mm/year to 0.06 mm/year. This decrease in corrosion rate can be attributed to the formation of a nitrogen-rich surface layer that acts as a physical barrier, protecting the alloy from corrosion.


In conclusion, ion nitridation of 310 stainless steel was found to be effective in improving the microstructure and corrosion performance of the alloy. The nitridation process caused the formation of a surface layer composed of nitrogenated iron nitride particles and a nitrogen-rich iron-rich matrix, resulting in a reduction of the alloy’s corrosion rate. In addition, the nitridation process also caused a decrease in grain size and improved the wear resistance of the alloy.

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Metallographic map 1155 2023-06-20 1047 BlissfulDreamer

ION ITTING Ion etching (also known as ion implantation etching), or ion sputtering, is an electrochemical process used to remove ions of a given material from a solid surface. It is one of the most widely used technologies in the semiconductor industry; it is also widely used in metallurgy, mater......


Ion etching (also known as ion implantation etching), or ion sputtering, is an electrochemical process used to remove ions of a given material from a solid surface. It is one of the most widely used technologies in the semiconductor industry; it is also widely used in metallurgy, materials science, and biology for various applications.

In ion etching, ions of a material (typically a metal or glass) are bombarded onto the parent metal surface. This bombardment creates a physical bond between the ion and metal surface, causing the metal surface to be stripped away, resulting in an etching of the metal. The size and shape of the etching depends on the parameters of the process: the ion beam energy, beam current, number of ion species and etc. The ion species is usually selected based on thematerial to be etched.

The resulting metal etching is usually observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The imaging results can provide insights into the structure of the material, allowing engineers to tailor the etching process to obtain the desired result.

The technique of ion etching can provide a wide range of advantages over other methods of metal etching, such as laser etching and chemical etching. Compared to chemical etching, ion etching is much faster, can be used in many materials, results in cleaner etches and can be utilized to provide precision, high resolution etches with a high degree of accuracy. Compared to laser etching, it does not produce toxic gases or damaging heat, thereby eliminating the need for hazardous chemicals or cooling systems.

Ion etching has a wide range of applications in a variety of fields. It is used in metallurgy for surface modification of materials for various purposes, such as etching patterns onto metal surfaces for decoration or creating precision shapes for objects. It is also used in materials science applications such as microfabrication of components, machining of metals and alloys, and creation of semiconductor structures. Additionally, ion etching is used in microelectronics to create complex structures such as capacitors and transistors. Additionally, ion etching can be used in biology to etch intricate shapes into microfabricated materials such as microrobots, drug delivery platforms and cell scaffolds.

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