Common Textile Machinery English (Part Two)

Glossary 378 1025 Jessica

Textile Machinery (Continued) Carding Machines: Carding machines are used to separate and clean fibres from raw materials like cotton, wool, etc. and then blend them in the form of a continuous sheet of matted fleecy material known as a lap. Card clothing is used for processing natural and man-ma......

Textile Machinery (Continued)

Carding Machines: Carding machines are used to separate and clean fibres from raw materials like cotton, wool, etc. and then blend them in the form of a continuous sheet of matted fleecy material known as a lap. Card clothing is used for processing natural and man-made fibres. Carding machines are used for producing combination processes like spinning, doubling, and worsted. The spinning frames which feed the cards are known as carding drums.

Lap-Forming Machine: Lap-forming machines are used to shape and align the fibres in a lap before it goes to the next phase of spinning operations. It consists of two sets of semi-circular cylinders. The upper set is known as concave and the lower set is known as convex and is provided with pins which are used to fan out the material. It also consists of a U-shaped cross member which helps in giving the lap its intended shape. The fibers are then laid in the exact position required by the spinning process.

Draw Frames: Draw frames are used to draw out the sliver or lap by passaging it through the series of rotating rollers. This machine ensures that the material fibres undergo a series of stretching and doffing operations before it goes for further processing. The rollers also ensure that the fibres are properly positioned for the spinning operations.

Chute Feeder: Chute feeder is a machine used for feeding the fibers into the spinning frames. This machine consists of two sets of rollers, one for receiving and the other for feeding the fibres into the spinning frames. It helps in eliminating wastage of fibre during the spinning process.

Flat Card: A flat card is a machine which is used for traversing and brushing the fiber before it is used for further spinning. This machine consists of a set of rollers and flat cards containing wires and knives which are used to comb, card and traverse the fibres. It helps in giving uniformity and strength to the yarn.

Speed Frame: Speed Frame is a machine used for spinning short fibers like cotton and wool. This machine is capable of spinning large amounts of yarn in a short period of time. It consists of a series of rollers and gears which ensure a continuous and uniform supply of material to the spinning process. The yarn produced on this machine is of superior quality and has a better luster.

Hosiery Frames: Hosiery frames are machines which are used for producing knitted fabrics. It works on the principles of interlocking system whereby the fibres are held together by locking needles. The yarn is fed into the needles which then produce the fabric. The yarns which are used for knitting fabrics on the hosiery frames are of fine count and are of superior quality.

Rotary Winders: Rotary winders are spinning frames which are used for twisting one end of the yarn over the other. This helps in winding the yarn onto a bobbin. The yarn is then collected in bobbins which are later used in weaving operations or can be sold in the market.

Roving Frame: A roving frame is a machine used for twisting and stretching the fibres before further processing. This machine works on the principle of gravity where the fibres are drawn by the rollers and twisted around each other. This machine helps in producing fine and uniform yarn which can be used for weaving or knitting.

Cone Winders: Cone winders are frames which are used for winding yarn on to conical bobbins. These bobbins are used in weaving operations as they offer uniform feeding and also reduce wastage of yarn.

These are some of the common textile machines used in the industry. Each machine has a specific purpose and is used in various spinning, weaving and knitting operations. Apart from the machines mentioned, there are various other machines used in the textile industry which help in improving the efficiency and quality of the end product.

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