Weak magnetic field magnetic separation equipment

Weak Magnetic Field Magnetic Separation Equipment The development of a reasonable, efficient and economical magnetic separation equipment has become the focus of so much research in the field of magnetic material separation and magnetic equipment. According to the characteristics of workpieces, v......

Weak Magnetic Field Magnetic Separation Equipment

The development of a reasonable, efficient and economical magnetic separation equipment has become the focus of so much research in the field of magnetic material separation and magnetic equipment. According to the characteristics of workpieces, various reasonable and reasonable magnetic separation equipment can be selected.

The weak magnetic field magnetic separation equipment adopts adjustable DC power supply and stepless control, which can precisely control the magnetic field strength and conduct accurate detection. This equipment is mainly composed of frame, electro-magnetic source, cooling system and signal acquisition device. The permanent magnet in the electromagnetic coil can be adjusted so that the external magnetic field gradually decreases. The device has a wide range of applications, mainly suitable for materials with weak magnetic properties. The equipment can be used to detect the magnetic particle content in the sample, and also to remove the magnetic particles contained in the sample.

With the development of science and technology and the improvement of the performance requirements of magnetic separation equipment, the production technology and useful structure of weak magnetic field magnetic separation equipment has also been constantly improved. Compared with strong magnetic field separation, weak magnetic field separation equipment is an ideal solution for weak magnetic properties materials.

According to different requirements, the weak magnetic field magnetic separation equipment can carry out precise control of the external magnetic field strength, accurately control the detection accuracy, and ensure that the control accuracy can meet the requirements of different applications. The equipment has been widely used in powdery materials, ultrafine particles and other materials separation, the advantages of automation, high accuracy and convenient operation, fully embody the high efficiency of the work.

In conclusion, the weak magnetic field magnetic separation equipment has the features of adjustable DC power supply and stepless adjustment, wide application range and adjustable magnetic field strength. The equipment has been widely used in powdery materials, ultrafine particles and other materials separation, great efficiency and convenience. Therefore, it is the best choice to satisfy the requirements of weak magnetic material separation.

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