Intense cold grinding: an effective method to control surface residual stress

Abstract In this paper, the effective method of controlling surface residual stress is discussed by using a method called high-speed cold milling. The effect of high speed cold milling on the residual stress of different types of materials and its effects on the mechanical properties of components......


In this paper, the effective method of controlling surface residual stress is discussed by using a method called high-speed cold milling. The effect of high speed cold milling on the residual stress of different types of materials and its effects on the mechanical properties of components are analyzed in detail. This method can be used as an effective way to reduce or eliminate the residual stress on the surface of a component, thus improving its mechanical properties.


Residual stress is an inevitable part of all engineering components. It is the internal, static stress that remains after the completion of external loading and the release of stress. These stresses, which are difficult to measure in situ, are most likely to appear in the form of Reversing Curve (RC) stress, tensile stress, shear stress, or mixed stress. Residual stress is mainly caused by the machining and welding processes, and the thermal treatment of materials. High residual stress can lead to premature cracks and deformation, which in turn leads to a decrease in the life and reliability of components. To ensure the good working performance of components, a proper control of their residual stress is essential. High speed cold milling is an effective method to control the residual stress.

High Speed Cold Milling

High speed cold milling, also known as cladding, is a non-invasive method of grinding or cutting the surface of a component to a specified shape, within a certain tolerance. The process is performed with a cutting speed above the critical speed corresponding to the material to be machined and a low cutting temperature below the recrystallization temperature. Cold milling does not involve any melting or annealing of the material, so there is no risk of changing the grain structure of the material. Further, due to the very small contact zone during the cutting process, high speed cold milling can be used to reduce or eliminate the thermal and mechanical stresses on the surface of the component.

Effects of High Speed Cold Milling

High speed cold milling can effectively reduce the residual stresses on the surface of a component. During cold milling, the cutting force, horn leading time and chip velocity create a certain amount of stress relief on the surface of the material, which further helps to reduce the residual stress. In addition, due to high removal rate and good surface finish of the component, the bending stress, the shearing stress and the tensile stress on the surface of the component can be minimized, thus enhancing the mechanical properties of the component.

High speed cold milling can also produce a very fine finish on the surface of a component. This helps to improves the aesthetic appearance and further expands the application. It can also be used for the machining of complex components.


High speed cold milling is an effective and versatile method of controlling residual stress on the surface of a component. The process effectively reduces the residual stresses on the component, which further improve its mechanical properties, while also providing a good surface finish. Since cold milling is a non-invasive process, it can be used in the manufacturing of complex components with minimal changes in the physical and chemical structure of the material. Therefore, high speed cold milling is an effective method for controlling surface residual stress.

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