Visual symbols for operation instructions of metal cutting machine tools (9)

Metal Cutting Machine Tool Operation Instructional Symbols The operation of metal cutting machine tools is a critical component of any manufacturing operation. It is therefore essential that machine operators understand the meaning of the various instructional symbols associated with the machine ......

Metal Cutting Machine Tool Operation Instructional Symbols

The operation of metal cutting machine tools is a critical component of any manufacturing operation. It is therefore essential that machine operators understand the meaning of the various instructional symbols associated with the machine operation.

Symbol Definition

The following is a list of the most common metal cutting machine operation symbols and their associated meanings:

Primary Movement - Arrows are commonly used to denote the direction of motion, usually indicated by a series of arrows going from left to right on the machine tool.

Rotation of the Workpiece - A symbol in the form of a circle, with a curved arrow within indicating clockwise rotation.

Feed Rate or Depth - A symbol consisting of a rectangle with a curved arrow within it, indicating the rate of feed or depth of cut to be applied.

Depth Control - A symbol in the form of an up-pointing triangle with a curved arrow within, indicating the depth at which the tool will cut.

Tool Change - A symbol consisting of a rectangle with a curved arrow pointing outwards from it, indicating a tool change is required.

Leading Edge Cut - A symbol in the form of a diamond, tilted to an angle with a curved arrow within, indicating a cut at an angle to the workpiece.

Retract Move - A symbol in the form of a square with a curved arrow inside, indicating a retract move is to be made.

Pause/Delay - A symbol consisting of a circle with a straight line through it, indicating a pause or delay.

End of Cycle - A symbol consisting of a large circle, indicating the tool operation has been completed.

It is essential that machine operators are aware of the various instructional symbols associated with the operation of a metal cutting machine so they can ensure successful operation and optimum machine performance. Operators should consult the operator’s manual to familiarise themselves with the symbols and to ensure they comply with manufacturers instructions.

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