GB/T 14675-93 Determination of Air Quality Odor Three-point Comparative Smell Bag Method

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GB/T 14675-93 Air Quality Determination of Odor by Three-Point Comparison Olfactometer Method 1. Introduction GB/T 14675-93 is a comprehensive standard developed by the State Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China (SQTSB) to standardize the determination of odo......

GB/T 14675-93 Air Quality Determination of Odor by Three-Point Comparison Olfactometer Method

1. Introduction

GB/T 14675-93 is a comprehensive standard developed by the State Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China (SQTSB) to standardize the determination of odor in air quality. The standard is suitable for the evaluation of gaseous odor, such as those encountered in ambient air, industrial air, and living area air. It includes sampling methods, analyzing methods, and assessment methods, which will enable users to accomplish the odor determination more efficiently. This article is intended to provide a detailed overview of the standards procedures and technical requirements, as well as its suitability in various situations.

2. Sampling and Analyzing Methods

The standard adopts the three-point comparison olfactometer method in order to accurately evaluate the odor present in a given sample of air. This method requires the sampling of the air, followed by the use of a specially designed device known as an olfactometer. The device is used to measure the intensity of the odor and compares it to a standard reference odor produced by pre-determined concentrations of a certain odorant. The results of the comparison are then reported in terms of a three-point rating system, wherein the odor is assigned a numeric value corresponding to its intensity and odor type.

The standard also outlines the specific requirements for sampling and analyzing the air sample, including sampling times, sampling locations, and sampling types. These requirements help to ensure the validity and accuracy of the results, as well as to minimize errors and variability due to environmental and human factors.

3. Assessment Method

Once the data from the sampling and analyzing process is obtained, it must be assessed in order to determine the presence, type, and intensity of the odor. The standard provides comprehensive guidance on how to evaluate the data according to the three-point rating system, which is based on a set of thresholds for different odor types. Additionally, the standard also outlines the requirements for the olfactometer, including the number of samples to be analyzed, the size of the olfactometer, and the reference gas concentration to be used.

The standard guiding approach helps to ensure validity, accuracy, and consistency in the assessment of air samples. This critical step is essential in order to ensure that the results reflect the true quality of the sampled air and can be used to make informed decisions regarding the safety, comfort, and usability of the sampled air.

4. Conclusion

Overall, GB/T 14675-93 is an important standard developed specifically for the determination of odor in air quality. The standard outlines specific requirements for the sampling and analyzing method, as well as for the assessment method, which is essential in order to ensure validity and accuracy. Additionally, the standard guidance helps to ensure consistency across all measurements, which is essential for making accurate assessments. This article has provided an overview of the standard and its components, as well as its suitability in various situations.

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