Timing of dolomite or magnesite addition

Ironmaking 325 1022 Lily

Introduction White clouds stone or almandine is extremely abundant in the world and is traditionally used in some countries or regions as traditional ornaments or practical utensils. Meanwhile, this kind of stone has long been burned out by its extremely strong chemical reaction with the heat, wh......


White clouds stone or almandine is extremely abundant in the world and is traditionally used in some countries or regions as traditional ornaments or practical utensils. Meanwhile, this kind of stone has long been burned out by its extremely strong chemical reaction with the heat, which results in the formation of the ore called Magnetite.

In addition, white clouds stone is composed of biotite, quartz, and hornblende, while almandine mainly contains ferrous and magnesium compounds.Thus, burning the stone in the right way and using the right proportion of char and ashes to manufacture magnetite will result in the best performance for the Magnetite.

First of all, it is important to prepare the white clouds stone or almandine prior to burning process. Generally speaking, it should be smashed into minute particles, of which the average size should be determined by the specific purpose, and then sieved and dried before burning.

Secondly, charcoal or mineral coal is indispensable for burning the stone. On the one hand, if the coal is of high quality, it can effectively reduce the burning time, but on the other hand, burning with these materials will produce a lot of waste ash which is basically non-recyclable. Among them, coal with the size ranging from 10 to 15 mm is the most commonly used.

Thirdly, it is necessary to determine the right burning time. Generally speaking, burning time depends on the type and size of stone. For white clouds stone, the burning time should be around 6 hours, while for almandine, it should reach 8 hours. Moreover, there should be regular adding of coal about 3 to 5 times within the burning process, so as to ensure that it has enough heat and is evenly heated.

Fourthly, adding of ingredients often makes the Magnetite even better.For white clouds stone, adding half a kilogram of juniper wood and 40-50 g of diamond at a time should be enough to meet the needs of the production process. As for almandine, it can be added with pokeberry soot in right proportion.

Finally, after the burning process is completed it is time to cool down the burning material, the temperature of which should be decreased slowly, which is, generally speaking, regulated by reducing the amount of char and ash entering.


In summary, a successful burning of white clouds stone or almandine involves the preparation of the stone, the choice of fuel and the determinance of the burning time, which often determine the quality of the Magnetite produced in the end. In addition, adding the right ingredients is also necessary for manufacturing the best quality Magnetite.

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