EN 10113/1-1993 Quality classification and grades of hot-rolled products of weldable fine-grained structural steels

properties of steel 565 15/06/2023 1057 Sophie

, EN 10113/1-1993Fine Grain Structural Steel Hot Rolled Products Quality Classes and Nominal Numbers Introduction EN 10113/1-1993 is a standard regulating the quality classes and nominal numbers of hot rolled products made of fine grain structural steel. This standard applies to all hot rolled pr......

, EN 10113/1-1993Fine Grain Structural Steel Hot Rolled Products Quality Classes and Nominal Numbers


EN 10113/1-1993 is a standard regulating the quality classes and nominal numbers of hot rolled products made of fine grain structural steel. This standard applies to all hot rolled products with a thickness of 3 mm or greater and it is in adherence with bs 1501, parts 1 and 2. This standard defines 14 quality classes and 15 nominal numbers of hot rolled fine grain structural steel products. Quality classes 1, 2 and 3 are exclusively produced in the normalized heat treatment condition while all other quality classes are in the delivery condition as delivered.


The aim of this standard is to provide a single unified method of describing the quality and grades of hot rolled products of fine grain structural steel in accordance with its physical and chemical properties. It is also meant to replace all of the national standards that had been previously established.

Organization of This Standard

The standard is divided into two main parts. The first is an overview of the overall provisions, including the scope, symbols, and information on heat treatment, mechanical characteristics, and production processes. The second part is a detailed list of the 14 quality classes, with technical specifications for each quality class.

Quality Classes

The fourteen quality classes can be divided into four main types. The first is grades with the suffix ‘P’, which stand for ‘pitting’. This grade has low pitting resistance and is used in situations where pitting is not a major issue.

The second type is grades with the suffix ‘N’, which stand for ‘normalized’. These are untreated steels that have been heat treated and may have better properties than untreated steels.

The third type is grades with the suffix ‘K’, which stand for ‘cryogenized’. This grade is cold-treated and has one of the best properties among all quality classes.

The fourth type is grades with the suffix ‘M’, which stand for ‘moderated’. This grade is available in multiple strengths, from medium to extra high.


EN 10113/1-1993 is an important regulation as it defines the quality classes, nominal numbers, and technical requirements for the hot rolled products of fine grain structural steel. It is an advancement from the old national standards and helps ensure that all hot rolled products are created with the best possible properties and capable of meeting the demands of the markets.

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properties of steel 565 2023-06-15 1057 LuminaryStarlight

EN 10113/1-1993 Quality Classification and Marking of Thermomechanically Rolled Fine-Grain Structural Steel Products for Welding Applications EN 10113/1-1993 is an European Standard for the quality classification and marking of thermomechanically rolled fine-grain structural steel products for we......

EN 10113/1-1993 Quality Classification and Marking of Thermomechanically Rolled Fine-Grain Structural Steel Products for Welding Applications

EN 10113/1-1993 is an European Standard for the quality classification and marking of thermomechanically rolled fine-grain structural steel products for welding applications. It deals with the classification requirements of such products, including their tensile and bend properties, their impact energy and their weldability. It also covers the requirement of marking products with their appropriate quality class.

The European standard applies to all types of thermomechanically rolled fine-grain structural steel products for welding applications in welded and non-welded structures. It does not apply to products for forging applications. The products may be delivered both in heat-treated and non-heat-treated condition.

The standard classifies thermomechanically rolled fine-grain structural steel products into five quality grades and three sub-grades based on their minimum yield strength. The grades range from MEGA-REX 36 to MEGA-REX 120.

The mark shall be affixed to the product by the manufacturer or by the customer. The mark shall be ink stamping with the compliance class, the abbreviation of the standard and the identification mark of the manufacturer.

This standard provides the requirements for the implementation of an effective quality controlling system which includes tests in order to ensure the compliance with the mechanical and dimensional requirements. The tests shall be performed at least one product manufactured in the same heat or group of heats.

In conclusion, EN 10113/1-1993 is an important standard when it comes to welding applications of thermomechanical rolled fine-grain structural steel products as it provides the requirements for classification and marking in order to ensure the conformity with the required properties for the product.

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