English-Chinese comparison of standard spare parts commonly used in mold factories (1)

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Standard Components in Mould Factory: English-Chinese (I) 一般模具厂常用之标准零配件英汉对照(一) Common Standard Components in Mould Factory: English-Chinese (I) 模具厂常用之标准零配件,既是模具制造中不可稀缺的重要部件,也是计算模具价格时必不可少的部分。对各种具体的标准零配件英汉名称对照,有......

Standard Components in Mould Factory: English-Chinese (I)


Common Standard Components in Mould Factory: English-Chinese (I)


Standard components are indispensable components in mould manufacturing and an essential part in calculating the mould price. The English-Chinese name comparison of specific standard components can help to understand and improve the efficiency of mould manufacturing. Here are the English and Chinese name comparison of common standard components in mould manufacturing:

模套:Mould Bush/Sleeve


塑封: Plastic Seal

支板:Support Plate

导向挡板:Guiding Plate

支轴:Axial Support

卡套:Coupling Sleeve

抽丝板: Drawbar Board

定位销:Positioning Pins

精密模块:Precision molds

止水板:Waterstop Plate

连杆:Connecting Rod

斜板:Slope Board

气花套:Airdrilling Sleeves

中心套:Central Sleeve

挡角块:Stop Angles

咬板(断刀架):Clamping Plate

盖块:Cover Block


螺纹套:Threaded Sleeve

抗力器:Restraining Force Instruments

角铁:Angle Steel

直齿轮:Spur Gear

圆锥齿轮:Helical Gear

钢气动元件:Steel Pneumatic Components


滑块:Sliding Block

弹簧座:Spring Base/Seat

钢铁拉簧:Steel Torsion Spring

交叉轴:Cross Shaft

调整手轮:Adjustment Handwheel


气动缸:Pneumatic Cylinder

铝合金零件:Aluminum Alloy Parts

橡胶密封件:Rubber Sealing Parts

回转缸:Rotary Cylinder


These standard components always maintain their important position in the mould manufacturing process and all play an important role in the mould manufacturing process. Here, we have just introduced the English-Chinese comparison of all the common standard components in mould factories. In fact, there are other types of components in mould manufacturing, such as movable cylinder body, injection pin, spring shape, elastic clamping parts, etc., which are indispensable parts in mould manufacturing. In the following articles, we will continue to introduce various solutions for mould manufacturing, as well as more English-Chinese comparison of standard components, to help you complete the mould manufacturing project more efficiently.

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