Hard Soldering
Hard soldering, also known as silver soldering, is a process that involves joining two metal surfaces together with a special type of solder. Hard soldering is a higher temperature form of soldering, sometimes referred to as hot soldering, as temperatures used in the process reach up to 500 °F. Hard soldering is used in a variety of industries, including electronics and jewelry making.
The process of hard soldering requires precision and skill, as it involves the melting of a metal alloy to create a bond between two metals. Different metals are joined together by placing them together and inserting a type of alloy that melts and adheres to the metals when heated. Hard solders dont melt at the same temperature as soft solders. Instead, they melt at temperatures closer to 800 °F which is why hard soldering is generally considered to be a higher temperature process than soldering.
When hard soldering, a combination of flux and solder is used. The flux is a chemical that helps to reduce oxidation on the metal surfaces. The flux also helps to eliminate any dirt or oil from the surface, thus allowing for a better connection between the metals.
Some metals that are commonly joined together through hard soldering are aluminum, copper, brass, and stainless steel. Each of these metals can be connected using the same process, but they require different flux and solder combinations. The flux and solder also need to be chosen carefully, as different fluxes and solders will result in different results.
Hard soldering is used in many different industries and professions, including electronics and jewelry making. Hard soldering is a reliable way of connecting metals together, as it creates a strong, durable bond that can withstand extreme temperatures and extreme pressures. Hard soldering is also a very precise process, as it requires a high level of skill and knowledge in order to accurately join two pieces of metal together.
In conclusion, hard soldering is a process used to join two pieces of metal together. Hard soldering requires precision, skill, and the right combination of flux and solder. Different metals require different combinations flux and solder, and different temperatures, in order to achieve the best results. Hard soldering is used in many industries and professions, as it creates a strong and secure bond that can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures.