"The Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of the People's Republic of China"

THE INSPECTION OF IMPORT AND EXPORT GOODS OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA The Peoples Republic of China has enacted the Inspection of Import and Export Goods Act, in order to ensure the quality of goods imported or exported into the country and that they meet relevant safety and sanitary stand......


The Peoples Republic of China has enacted the Inspection of Import and Export Goods Act, in order to ensure the quality of goods imported or exported into the country and that they meet relevant safety and sanitary standards. The Act is intended to address such problems as contaminated foodstuffs, unsafe toys, counterfeit merchandise, and other goods that can be damaging to a nation’s health or economy.

The Act requires imports, exports and transshipments of goods to be subject to inspection upon entry or exit of the Peoples Republic of China, and requires imported and exported goods to meet established standards or regulations. Imported and exported goods, when subjected to inspection, must possess valid product certification documents and must pass inspection before being allowed to enter into circulation.

In particular, the Inspection of Import and Export Goods Act is designed to address the increasing number of food items, toys, and other consumer goods entering the country from foreign sources, thereby providing consumer protection from unsafe products or toxic contamination. The Act provides for the adoption of specific testing procedures and standards which must be met in order for certain items, such as food products, to enter or leave the country.

The Act also establishes the procedures for handling and disposing of goods that fail inspection, as well as for providing for the recall of goods and distribution of inspection report information. Furthermore, the Act is intended to ensure that goods imported or exported are fully and accurately declared, as well as ensuring that the related taxes or fees are properly collected.

Finally, the Act provides for the establishment of penalties and fines for violations of the Act. These penalties and fines, which are considered significant by international standards, are intended to deter violations while protecting the health, safety and economic interests of the Peoples Republic of China.

The Inspection of Import and Export Goods Act has been instrumental in significantly decreasing the incidence of contaminated and counterfeit goods entering the Chinese market, helping to ensure consumer safety and economic stability. The Act applies to both domestically produced and imported items, and is designed to create greater consumer confidence and to support safe, healthy trading between China and the rest of the world.

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